{D} {Doomed}

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- Zach -

The days passed without i even realized it. Before i knew it, it was already friday. Today I'm going to move to my father. I totally don't want it. I heard stories about the son, you don't want to know.

'Zach, are you okay?' Daniel asks to me.

'I'm fine,' I lie. 'Did you heard anything from Jamie, by the way. You guys have a thing, right?'

'We do,' Daniel says. 'Only she's quite busy. She haves a lot of tests and other things. But I'm going to see her things weekend!' I love it to see Daniel happy. He never ever finded a girl who made him so happy like this. Let's say, It is Nina's fault that he has Jamienow. This year, on her birthday, her friends came. Christel, Indy, Sabrina, Jamie and Yara. And my friends; Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn, Harvey and James. James and Yara have a relationship, just like Sabrina and Harvey. Jonah and Kim have a thing and Christel and Corbyn are boyfriend, girlfriend. When they're together Nina and I yell most of the time; 'CORBEL!'

Then the bell rings. I throw my stuff in my bag and walk with Daniel out the class.

'Are you going to the halloween party?' Daniel asks when we walk to the lockers.

'Which party?'

'On 31th of October we have a halloween party,' Daniel says. 'The school origanized a huge fairground. With a haunted house and things. Are you coming?'

'I don't know yet,' I say. 'I have to go to the hospital for a Anxiety Disorder test.'

'You have that?'

'I have to test it!'

'Oh, right,' Daniel says. I roll with my eyes.

'But i have to go now,' I say. 'See you on monday!'

'See ya bro!'

I walk over the schoolyard, to my car. I step in and drive to the hospital.
It's hard to keep my eyes open. I feel like I can fall asleep every second. I haven't slept a lot tonight. I haven't slept a lot in days.

I walk into the hospital and take a sit on one of the chairs. My legs are like jelly. My whole body is bruised and broken. I try to hide the bruises on my legs, arms, back and stomach for my mother. Especially for Nina. She is going to flip if she sees that.

My eyes are tired. I can't keep them open for long. I lean with my head on my arm and wait for Samantha. Slowly, I fall asleep.

I walk through the hallway. I finally can go home! Yes! It's already 7 o'clock. I have to pick Nina up. Really quick. She just finished her dance show and she's not allowed to walk home. That's way to far. And it's already dark. Hell no that she's gonna walk. I walk around the corner and stands still. I see Jack, Madison, Ethan and Matt. They're all laughing. Ethan and Madison have a cigarette in they're hand. And I have to go this way. Shit..

'Hey herron!' Jack yells when he sees me. 'What are you doing here so late?'

'Don't you have to go home?' Madison asks. 'To your mama!' Matthew and Jack burst out laughing. They're drunk. I quickly pass them.

'Hey wait a minute!' Jack grabs my wrist. 'Nobody said that you could go!'

'Let me go!' I say. He holds my wrist tightly.

'What are you gonna do?' Ethan laughs. 'Going to your mom?'

'She isn't always going to be their for you!' Matt laughs. Jack punches me against the lockers. 'You have to save yourself then, boy!'

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