{J} {Jewel}

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- Zach -

'He's okay,'

'Jack, he has a cut on his fucking arm! And you trying to tell me that he's okay?! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM!?'

'Nina! Take a chill pill, okay! He fainted! I promise. He fainted and he felt in glasschatters. That's what happend,'

'I don't believe you, I don't freaking believe you!'

'You have to believe me!'


'I'm sure that Zach will tell the same thing what i'm telling you now, okay?'

'Okay, but, but if he says something else, I'm going to grab my baseball bet and beat the shit out of you!'

'I hear you, I hear you.'

My arm is burning, just like my neck. My head is still dizzy. Everything hurts. My stomach, my legs, my back and my arms. It feels like I've bruises everywhere. I don't even want to open my eyes. I just want to lay there, and hope that i fucking die in my sleep! I don't want to live anymore. Everyone hates me, Everyone breaks my trust, break me! I just hate everything of me. My hair, my eyes, my body and my whole personality. I actually hoped that Matt cut me to deep, that I would die... I think that everyone would be much happier if i would kill myself.

'Zach? Zach, are you okay?'

But there is just one thing, an irritating, annoying, loving, trusted little thing, which is why I will not commit suicide.

'I think he's awake! Zach, c-can you hear me?'


I open my eyes. Nina's aqua blue eyes are above me. She smiles to me, with her beautiful, trusted smile.
'Hey buddy,' she says. 'How are you feeling, bro?'

'Like I've bruises everywhere,' I laugh. Nina laughs.

'What exactly happend, Zach?' Nina asks concerned. 'Jack told me something, but I'm not sure if I can believe that.'

'I fainted,' I say. 'Well, I- I think i fainted, because I don't really know what happend. But, If I feel my arm, I think I felt in something.' Nina smiles.

'You did faint,' Nina says. 'And you felt in a lot of glasschatters. You cut yourself in your arm and a little in your neck.'

'Wow,' I laugh. 'I'm such an idiot.'

'I know,' Nina laughs. She grins. 'Well, get up! You have to eat!' She holds out her hand in a helpfully manner. I grab it and she pulls me up. Immediately I feel my legs slackening. I almost fall, but Nina holds me. 'Take it easy,' She says. 'You have to much adrenaline or something. I actually have no idea what's going on, but- I don't know, you're legs are just jelly okay? Your legs changed and now they're jelly beans instead of skin.' I grin.

'You're mumbling nonsense again,' I laugh.

'My name wouldn't be Nina if I didn't do that,' She says. 'Come on, Let's give you some food.'

When we come downstairs, I see that's there is a full made breakfast.

'Believe it or not, but I just didn't let the kitchen burn down!' Nina laughs. I laugh. 'Just sit down, I have to speak with Jack for a minute.' I sit down on the chair she pointed at and she puts a sandwich on my plate. 'Eat it!' She commands. I grin. Nina turns around and runs away.

'Jack, You're lying to me!' I hear. I look to the stairs. I throw the sandwich in the trashcan and walk to the sink for some water.

'Why should i lie to you?' Jack asks.

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