{Y} {YEET!}

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- Zach -

'Are you two seriously breaking up?' Jack asks. 'Why?'

'We think that it's better for both of us to...- to focus more on our career and our family and friends.' Kirstin says. 'Jack, we're staying here and Josh is moving out.'

'Aye! And I?' Nina asks. 

'W-we thought that you wanted to stay with Josh.' Kristin says. 

'Oh hell no!' Nina says. 'Can I stay with you, mom?' Kristin looks to her daughter.

'Of course.' she says after a while. 

'Dad, I'm going back to mom.' I say after a while. Josh raises an eyebrow.

'Sorry? Zach, you're going to stay with me and-'

'I'm almost eighteen, dad.' I say. 'I'm old enough to make my own dissensions. I'm going back to mom.' Josh looks for a few seconds to me. 

'He's old enough, dad.' Nina says. 'You can't make dissensions for him... Next week he's going to turn eighteen.' Josh rolls with his eyes and walks away. Jack smirks and waves after him.


'Sorry mom.'


'I really like your new house, mom.' Reese says. 

My mother has a new house. A bigger one. Not that big like the one we had af first, but still amazing. There is for everyone a room and we have enough space. 

'So, Nina's going back to the Avery's?' mom asks me. I nod. 

'I think she wants to spend more time with them.' I say. 'But I think she feels guilty because she left them only because of Jack.'

'Well... She's always welcome.' mom says. I smile. 

'You're invited to the dance show.' I say. Mom smiles. 

'So you have one of the lead rolls?' Mom asks. I nod. 

'I'm playing henkie.' I laugh. My mom and I burst out laughing. 'Jack is Frankie.' 

'Those names.' Mom laughs.

'I know right,' I say. 'Probably was Nina the one who made the names up.' 



The next day, I arrive at school. I look around. Nina is talking with Jonah - he has a bandage on his shoulder - I'm happy to see that she found someone. I walk to her and surprise by yelling; 'BOO!' next to her ear. 

'Zachary Dean Herron!' she yells. 'You filthy mudblood!' Jonah, Nina and I start to laugh.

'So you're using mudblood to curse?' I ask.

'It better then the other words I usually use.' Nina says.

'Jonah, what did you do to me?' I sigh. He grins.

'Sorry.' he says. 'I'm really going to annoy you. But, good luck with your tests, Nina.'

'Thank you.' Nina says. 'Wish, me, luck.' Nina and Jonah do a handshake - I've never seen that one before - and at the last thing, Jonah pulls Nina closer and gives her a kiss on her forehead. 

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