{R} {Ready?}

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Enjoy the picture of Nina.
- Zach -

Months flew by, and before I know it it's already March. The dance performance was supposed to be in three months' time. Not much has happened in these months. Jack has once taken me with him, Jonah and Nina have become very close, Ethan is still staging Jack, but doesn't show up at school anymore. I also spoke to my mother. Things are going very well for her, although she says so herself. I train a lot together with Jack, Nina and Jamie. But I know Nina has back pain, which she doesn't want to admit. But now, now it knows time for school.

I walk through the halls of the school and look around. Nobody made a hate comment, so that's fine i guess? Daniel walks to me, with a big smile.

'Wow, what's wrong?' I laugh.

'Nothing.' He shrugs his shoulders.

'Yea sure, that's why you're smiling form here to Tokyo.' I say. Daniel laughs.

'Oh shut up.' he says.

'Is it something with Jamie?' I ask.

'No, Yes, Maybe, Why do you want to know?'

'Because I'm your best friend.' I say. 'Am i not allowed to know?'

'Yes you are!' Daniel says quickly. 'But are you sure that you want to know?' I look at Daniel.

'Have you had sex with Jamie?' Daniel burst out in laughing.

'No! Oh, please god no.'

'Aye, everything is possible.' I say.

'That's true but it's not that.' Daniel says.

'Oh, then what is it?'

'Jamie's parents made a decision.' Daniel starts. 'And Jamie and I can live together.'

'That's so cool!' I say. 'But Daniel, I have to give you a special advice.' The bell rings. 'Wait, don't go yet.'

'What is it?' I look around before anyone listens with us.

'do it safely.' I say softly. I smirk and walk away. Daniel burst out laughing. 'I'm annoying, thank you.'

The whole day was boring, like all the classes are. The last class we have is Math. I sit down on my usual place and look around. I see that Jack isn't here. That's weird, because, he's always there with math. Fleur sits lonely. I have an idea why. When Ethan broke up with her, Madison and Matt didn't wanted to be friends with her anymore. So, with almost every lesson, she's alone. Not that I care, honestly. It's her own stupid fault. It's her own stupid fault that she went to those bullies. And, I'm not going to help her with anything. She replaced me for Ethan.

'When do you guys have the show?' Daniel asks me.

'In June.' I answer. 'Are you coming?'

'Of course, my best friend and my girlfriend are in that show. Of course I'm gonna come.' I smile.

A few seconds I think about telling Daniel that I'm with Jack. He doesn't know yet. Nobody knows, except for Nina. But, I don't trust a lot of people. I do trust Daniel, but it's hard. Why? Because I'm scared. Scared that he will hate me after that. Scared that he will replace m, just like Fleur did. I told Nina easily, because, Nina always accept me like I am. She always was there for me when I needed her. And I will be there for her. But telling Daniel... I'm not sure.



'What do you..- eh.- what do you think about people who're gay?'

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