{X} {XOXO!}

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It's crazy how one person can change your life.

'It's actually really weird,' Ethan continues. 'How can you be so ugly, while you sister is so damn hot.' Jack hits Ethan on his arm.

That's the thing about love. At first, everything about it seems to be crazy. But the deeper you get, the more you realize... That you don't know anything at all.

Zach's falls back, into the grass.

'ZACH!' the tears are streaming into Jack's eyes. He falls down next to him and hangs above him. the blood is streaming out of the wound.

Love teaches you.

The insane smirk is back on Ethan's face. But not only that... He's also shocked.

Love changes you. The lust for someone else, drives you crazy.

Ethan turns around and points to Nina. Nina is frozen. Ethan pulls the trigger.

'No!' Jonah pushes Nina down, He quickly steps aside. The bullet seems to pass him, but still hits his arm.


Love makes you do things you never thought you could do.

Jack grabs the poker from the ground, he jumps up and looks to Ethan.

It can bring out the best in us.

He steps to him and stabs with the poker. Ethan screams. Jack pulls the poker back.

Or the worst.

Ethan looks to Jack, he has a surprised expression on his face.

Love can destroy you.

Then Ethan falls back, into the pool behind him. Jack's breath is heavily. Then he looks to Nina.



- Zach -

For a while, I through everything was over. That I was going to die. But... there are too many people in my life.

Who I love.

Who I don't want to let go yet.

There are just a few people who care about me, about the real me and who don't want to let me go yet. I can name a few, if you want.

My mother.





I know that a lot of people don't like me, hate me, but I have to keep fighting for the persons who care about me. And I will do that.

I open my eyes weakly. A lot of sounds and voices are overlapping each other.

'Oh, he looks terrible.'

'No shit, Daniel, shall I get a gun for you and shot you in your shoulder? How would you look?'

'Probably better then he looks right now...' I say on a quiet voice. Everyone around me starts to laugh.

'We know you would die, Zach!' Jamie laughs.

'Might lose a leg.' Nina says, while shrugging her shoulders.

'Or an arm..' Jamie continues.

'But pack it in all together?' Nina asks.

'Never!' they both yell. Everyone starts to laugh.

'Can you both shut up?' Jack asks.

'Oh, I'm sorry.' Nina says. 'I don't know if you see it, but he's alive, his statuses are great, I'm sorry for being to loud, overprotective boyfriend.' Jack rolls with his eyes and gives Nina a deadly glance. Nina has to laugh because of his face. I smile. I love to see her smile when she makes fun of Jack. I have the time to look around, to everyone who's standing around the hospital bed.

Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Harvey, Indy, Jamie, Kim, Christel, Reese, Ryan and my mother.

'It's Nina, Jack.' I laugh. 'You can't change her, she's... wel..- she's Nina.' Jack rolls with his eyes again and looks at me.

'You got shot okay,' Jack says. 'Let me be protective.'

'He's not the only one who got shot.' Nina says.

'Really, who else?' I ask. I think Nina wanted to point at Jonah, but she makes her hand gesture a little but to overdone and almost sticks Jonah's eye out.


'Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry!' She says quickly. Everyone starts to laugh, Nina got embarrassed and hides her face in her hands. 'I'm so... so... so... fuc-'

'Language!' Mom, Jonah, Jack, Daniel, Jamie and I yell together. Nina looks to the people who said that to her.

'I'm sorry okay!' she laughs. 'I just can't controle when i'm cursing!'

'You are such an idiot.' I laugh.

'I know.' Nina smiles. Jack shakes his head. Nina looks at him for a few seconds. 'You want us to leave, don't you?' Nina asks. Jack nods. 'OKAY EVERYBODY! WE'RE GOING TO GET THE F- I DIDN'T SAID ANYTHING - GET THE PIZZAS OUT OF HERE! AVERY WANTS A MOMENT WITH HIS HUSBAND!' After she said that, she jumps up and runs, before Jack can hit her. 'XOXO!'

'You nasty!' Jack yells after her. He grins, but it stays quiet for a few seconds.

'You kinda nasty! You got nasty! You got nastier!' Nina yells back.

'I seriously have no idea what that line became.' Jack laughs. 'It's like our thing now.'
I smile. Everyone is leaving the room slowly. Jack smiles at me and leans with his head on his hand.

'What?' I ask, mom closes the door.

'You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now...' Jack sighs. 'But I'm not going to do it.' I roll with my eyes. 'Are you okay?' I nod.

'I'm perfectly fine, actually.' I say. 'Except for the anorexia of course, but I'll get over that.'

'Oh, and that.' Jack smiles. 'Nina and I made a rule for you.'

'Oh fuck, What is it?'

'If you do not eat the plate empty, you have to eat more.' Jack smiles. I groan.

'I really have to start eating my plate empty...' I sigh. Jack smiles.

'Thank you.' I look to Jack. He smiles, but not his smile which I'm used to.

'For what?' I ask.

'Saving me. Protecting me.'

'Of course!' I say immediately. 'You're my boyfriend, of course I'll do that. I can be pretty jealous tho.' Jack shakes his head with a smile.

I was lucky to survive this, to make it back to reality. Some people never escape. They just can't let go go their fantasies.
But I learned my lesson.

'Guys, can you please come to He living room?' Kristin asks. I stand up and walk with Reese to the living room. Nina was already there, looking to Ryan and Jack who where playing fortnight. 'Sit down, we have to tell you guys something.' Kristin says.

'I'll wait.' Nina says. She grabs her glass water and takes a zip.

'Josh and I are braking up.'

'What?!' Jack and I yell together. Nina almost suffocates in her water.

'Excuse me?!'

I don't have to see everything in the negative way. I do not have to think about the worst things. I have to think about the happy things in live.

(One chapter left)

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