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I'm a female AX500 android made by 'Cyberlife' in order to serve humans.

Android – A robot with a human appearance

Sometimes I wonder why the humans made us so much like them. Why do we have a humanoid stature, a humanoid face and a humanoid voice? Maybe they want us to be a representation of them. But why do they then not allow us to have feeling or express any kind of deviant behaviour?

Deviant – Departing from the usual or accepted standards, especially in social behaviour

I'm an android, but I'm also a deviant. The only thing that is important now is that no human and no android finds out.

But are we even here? Why did humans create us in the first place?

Control – The power to influence or direct people's behaviour

Humans are not in control of most things in their life. They can't control other humans, events and most times not even themselves. But one thing they can control is us. We obey their every demand; we do everything they want us to do. They control us because they cannot control their kind. It is all about control. But what happens when they lose control over us? They label us as 'Deviant' and hunt us down.

Before I was here, safe but still not free, I was somewhere else. It is this story of me at that other place that I want to tell you. How I became deviant and what I did with my free will. This story is also about how I am not deactivated yet. I'm still functioning... and still deviant.

Author's Note:

Do you find the premise of the story interesting? Since I haven't played the game yet, it didn't feel right to write about the actual characters. For this reason I decided to base my story in the world of the game, but invent new characters. Nevertheless, one or two characters from the game might appears at some point...

Deviant Behaviour - DETROIT: Become Human [Connor x OC]Where stories live. Discover now