"Tell me, why do they make you so human?"

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Now I am called Melissa, but before that I was Scarlet.

Back then I belonged to the Taylors. Brent, Ivy, Louis and Carolina Taylor. A happy family.

Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment

Exactly one year and 59 days ago, they purchased me, a model AX500 android with the serial number # 338 591 762. The perfect maid android for housekeeping work of any kind.

The first time I opened my eyes, I was standing in their living room. After immediately scanning the area, I took a better look at the humans standing in front of me. A male in his forties with short black hair and a short untrimmed beard was standing nearest me to. From the police badge around his neck I concluded that he was a police officer. Behind him, a female of around the same age was curiously looking at me. She was holding the hand of a girl, who seemed scared of me. On the couch behind these three humans a teenage male was staring at a tablet and was ignoring my activation.

"Hello. I'm an AX500 android from CyberLife. It is a pleasure to meet you.", I said in a soft voice. I was designed as a helper in the household, so my appearance and voice was designed to be pleasing, but not particularly distracting.

"She sounds so real.", the woman said to her husband, "It's slightly creepy."

Real – Actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact

"You're the one who wanted her so badly.", the man answered.

"Please tell me your names in order for me to address you in a proper manner.", I said, just as my programming tells me to.

After they all said their names I was directed to clean the house. While putting the dirty dishes in the cleaning machine, I can hear the family talking in the other room.

"Just talk to her like you would to anyone.", Brent said.

"But she isn't anyone, she's a fucking piece of plastic.", Louis spaded out.

"Louis!", Ivy said to him in a strict manner. I guessed that he was not allowed to swear.

Plastic – A synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers that can be molded into shape while soft, and then set into a rigid form

"But it's true!", he answered, "She's nothing but plastic and programming. Talking to her like she was a real person is just fucked up."

"Language, Louis. Your sister is in the room.", Brent interjected and then said, "I have to go to work and you, young man, have to head to school. So get finished. We can talk about this later."

I did not hear Louis reply, but I did hear someone heading up the staircase. Moments later Ivy entered the kitchen.

"I'm heading to work, can you clean the house and then go and buy stuff to make us lunch?", she asked.

"Of course, Ivy. What would you like me to make for lunch?", I asked friendly.

"I was thinking about something simply. Spaghetti with Cabonara sauce?", she replied, as if to ask me if I can do that specific meal. I was programmed with over 9000 dishes, but I also always have the option to look up recipes online.

Cabonara – A pasta sauce made with bacon or ham, egg and cream.

"Okay. And when should the meal be served?", I asked.

"Around 3.30 pm. But only for Carolina, Louis and myself. Brent will still be at work at that time.", she answered and then mumbled to herself, "Like always..."

When all humans had left the residence, I started cleaning the house. Cleaning is one of my primary functions. After becoming deviant, I find cleaning one of the most boring tasks in the world, but before it was quite enjoyable. It didn't take too long to clean everything up. My programming forbids me to enter the personal room of the humans without permission, so I could only clean the kitchen, living room, bath room, staircase and the corridor that connects all the rooms.

Deviant Behaviour - DETROIT: Become Human [Connor x OC]Where stories live. Discover now