Number 2: How I visited a school for human children

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83 days after being purchased, there was a charity event at Carolina's school. Since Ivy, who had the job to make and sell muffins in the school, was forced to travel to New York City for work, she tasked me with this job.

After protecting Louis from the deviant, Brent and Ivy started trusting me to take care for the children and even left them alone with me for three days for a short holiday.

I have not managed to make any friends aside Connor. I do not see him often, since his job acquires all his attention and I also have a lot of tasks to do, but even the thought of having a friend comforted me.

"Can you do chocolate muffins, pleaseeeee?", Carolina asked me with a sweet smile on her face.

"Of course.", I answered and smiled back.

Carolina has been warming up to me lately. At first, she was scared of me, thinking I was an evil machine, because her brother had told her stories about deviants hurting their owners before they purchased me. But now she liked talking to me and often asked me to help her with homework and cleaning her room, which was for some reason always messy.

Carolina helped me make the muffins for the next day. It was already late when we were finally finished. But as I tucked her into bed, Brent still was not home. He did nearly always come home when the sun was already down, but today he was especially late. In situations like this, Ivy would phone her husband and asked when he came back and told him to take care of himself. Since she was not here, should I call him?

Before I could come to a conclusion, I heard someone unlock the door. I walked downstairs to see Brent hanging up his jacket, slurping into the living room and sitting down on the couch.

"Would you like something to eat, Brent?", I asked.

"No. Just give me a whiskey, please.", he answered.

"Of course.", I replied while heading into the kitchen and getting him his desired drink.

After giving the glass to him, I stand next the couch, waiting for instructions.

"Could you please sit down?", he asked in an unusual kind voice.

I suspected him to be just tired, but even if he was not, I sat down on the comfy chairs opposite of the couch. I looked at him, waiting for further instructions. He was simply drinking his drink while looking back at me.

Then he sighed and said: "Sometimes it's hard for me to not feel like androids are just as real as we are. Working with them as well as living with you makes me question my initial opinion about machines like you."

"I'm happy to change your opinion positively.", I answered and smiled.

He gave a tired grin and asked: "Why do you smile? Why do you say you're happy if you don't have emotions?"

I wanted to answers, but before I could, he continued talking: "Why do we even hunt deviants? Most of the time, they are just protecting themselves from aggressive owners. Why are we so against the idea of androids having emotions?"

Again I wanted to answer his questions, but again he cut me off: "Don't answer that, Scarlet. I'm sorry. I'm just blabbering bullshit." He sighed and changed the subject: "How are the kids?"

I told him that Louis was mostly in his room and that Carolina cooked muffins with me for tomorrow.

"I wish I could be there for them more.", he said with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm sure they know that what you are doing is important and saves lives.", I answered.

"I hope.", he replied and slowly stood up, "I'm going to bed. Thanks for the talk."

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