Number 5: How I became a Deviant

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Something snapped inside me when Connor's body suddenly hit the ground. I stopped in my tracks, immediately kneeling down beside him.

"Are you okay, Connor?", I asked while putting his head into my hands. As I did so, I felt a hole in the side of his skull. His eyes were dead and he was not moving.

"Wake up!", I shouted as a man dragged me away. As they re-cuffed me, I could only stare at my hand, which was stained with his blue blood.

Connor was dead. I found out at that moment that emotions can be some of the worst things that being human has to offer. Even though feelings like Happiness or Joy can make you powerful and full of energy, emotions like Sadness or Misery can make it feel like you are unable to breathe and just want to die. These negative emotions flooded my body and mind as I was brought to a dark warehouse and was put into a small metal cell, a waiting room for android to be dissembled.

Connor was dead and I was not. I was alone now... and I was also deviant.

Even though I never had any deep talks about life or the world with Connor, I thought we had a mutual respect of one other that made it fun to talk to him. He had been my first and only friend in the whole world and I was no one special.

As I was sitting in the cell, still staring at my blood-stained hands, two men were dragging Connor's body into the warehouse. They probably wanted to salvage him for parts. He looked a bit like a puppet, being tossed around from the ground to the table.

I wondered what it was like to die. One moment he was looking at me, the next there was a bullet in his head.

I looked away as they started to disassemble him on the dirty table in the middle of the dark warehouse. Only then I noticed that I was not alone in the cage. Another female android in the same tunic that I was wearing was sitting on the ground, staring at me. As she looked at my face, my hands and Connor, she knew that I was deviant.

"It will be so much harder for you than for me.", she said in a calm voice.

"I do not understand. What is going to be harder?", I asked distressed.

"The disassembly. They do not shut you down before. And with you feeling emotions, it will hurt very much.", she said and suddenly stood up.

I wondered why she did that, but then heard footsteps behind me. Turning around, I saw a man walking towards us, unlocking the cell door. For a moment I thought I was going to be next, but the man grabbed the arm of the other android, pulling her outside. Then he threw me something into my arms. I looked at him, saw that he was smiling sadistically and took a look at what he had given me.

It was Connor's jacket. While gently patting the slick fabric, the man disappeared, together with the other robot. My fingers traced the model identification letters on the jacket. RK800. At that moment I knew that did not want to die. If not for myself, I wanted to live for Connor's sake. He died trying to safe me. Just accepting to die would make his sacrifice utterly pointless.

But how could I possibly get out if this situation? After putting on Connor's jacket, which was too big, but comforted me and made me feel like he was still here, helping me. Besides dirt and a metal bench were was nothing here in the cage. I tried making out what was around the cell, but it was so dark that I barely saw anything.

I sat down again. What was I thinking? A dumb maid android could not simply get out the fangs of gangsters. While sitting on the hard cold bench for hours, no one thankfully came to take me away. When light started entering the warehouse through the small windows, I hoped they had forgotten me. But, of course, this was not the case.

Deviant Behaviour - DETROIT: Become Human [Connor x OC]Where stories live. Discover now