Number 1: How I went to a house party

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"So, when will Jeremy's party begin and end?", Ivy asked her son.

"Don't know. House parties often start at like 10 pm at the earliest and don't end until the morning.", Louis answered while stuffing the grilled steak into his mouth that I made for him.

I had been to the Taylors for 38 days at that point. Every day I cleaned the house, made all the meals and helped with the overall housekeeping. I was doing exactly what I was programmed to do.

"Well, that's definitely too late. I was thinking about you being home at midnight.", his mother replied.

Now Louis was getting angry. I could see the hand holding his fork tightens into a fist.

"That's fucking bullshit... I'm 17 years old, which means I'm practically an adult. Everyone else is allowed to stay until at least 2 am!", he said angrily and was about to storm off, when Ivy looked at me. I looked back, forming my mouth into a small smile.

Part of my programming is to always be friendly towards humans, especially my owners.

"Let's make a deal.", she said and he stopped in his tracks to hear her proposal. "You can stay as long as you like if you take Scarlet with you. She is programmed to take care of you, so I don't have to worry about you getting alcohol poisoning or getting kidnaped or something else."

Louis took a quick look at me and answered: "That's okay, as long as she can wear casual clothes. Not everyone needs to know I'm coming with a plastic bodyguard."

Bodyguard – A person employed to escort and protect an important person

In order to prepare for the party, I downloaded information to safe drinking and teenage culture. At 9 pm Louis gave me clothes to put on. Because I also do the laundering, I know these clothes are from Ivy. I put them on and looked in the big mirror in the bathroom. The black trousers and olive top fit me well enough. Now the only thing that still identifies me as an android was my LED.

I walked downstairs, where Louis was already waiting.

"Wow, you look nearly human.", he said while getting his jacket. While doing so, he got a look of my LED.

"Can you cover your light thingy with somthing?", he said.

"I could open my braids if you want to, Louis?", I asked.

He nodded absently and said goodbye to his mother.

"Take good care of my boy!", she said to me.

"Of course, Ivy.", I answered and we made our way to the party.

As we arrive at the house party, there were many teenagers standing outside the big house, chatting, laughing and drinking. I followed Louis inside the house, where he was looking for his friends. As he finally found them, they immediately noticed me standing behind their friend.

"Who is she?", one male asked.

"We met at the gym. She wanted to chill here for a bit, if that okay, Jeremy?", he asked another male.

"Sure. As long as she doesn't brake anything.", he answered.

"I can assure you, I will not destroy anything belonging to you.", I replied.

"Whatever.", he mumbled and then said to his friends, "Let's go upstairs. I found a really sick game that we could play."

Louis proceeded to go upstairs, with me following him. As he noticed I was still behind him, he turned around.

"Stay downstairs, enjoy the party and pretend you're human.", he said and continued to go upstairs.

Enjoy - To have a good time, take delight or pleasure

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