"Deviants start sounding awfully like humans."

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It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be to pretend to still be obedient. With Connor coming around nearly every day the first week after the kidnapping and the Taylors acting sensitively around me, I felt both appreciated and under surveillance. Was Connor checking on me because he suspected me for being a Deviant?

When he then finally stopped doing so, I was relieved, thinking he might not have a single clue. Thinking back to this moment, I can't believe I had been so naïve. I hugged Connor. Androids do not do hugs. Hugs are something solely emotional and my explanation had been really weak.

The Taylor also seemed to notice I was different. On one day, Carolina asked me why I spoke so much more human-like? I answered that I spoke exactly as always while remembering the statement of Brent's partner Johnson: "Deviants start sounding awfully like humans." I had to get myself into line again quickly or I will be discovered.

Little did I know it was already too late for that...

19 days after the kidnapping, Brent had the bizarre idea to take me to work. Obviously I didn't want to go to a place full of Deviant hunters, but as I had to play the obedient android, I agreed to go.

The moment we entered the police building, I knew something bad was about to happen. I was not that all police officers were looking at me being arrested by Brent or something similar, but Connor was standing at the door, seemingly waiting for us.

"Hello Scarlet, it's good to see you.", he said while walking with us to Brent's office.

"It's nice to see you too, Connor.", I answered as neutrally as possible and smiled at him.

The expression on his face suggested he was up to something. It wouldn't take long until I would find out what it was...

"May you follow me?, Connor said, "I would like to show you something?"

I obeyed and followed him even as I realized he was taking me to an interrogation room. After we went inside one and he told me to sit down, I feared the worst; but I forced myself to keep my face straight. I was not going to be discovered and destroyed today, I told myself.

Connor sat down on the seat opposite of me and simply looked at me. I stared back to him, waiting for him to start the conversation.

Finally he said something in his usual calm voice: "I know you are deviant, Scarlet. You are quite good at acting emotionless, but I was especially programmed to spot androids like you."

As I didn't answer, but continued stared at him, he continued talking: "I think the kidnapping was the catalyst. Tell me, what exactly happened to made you deviant?"

He seemed genuine, but as he said himself, he was programmed for this kind of work. He could very well act like he cared about me, only to give to over to 'CyberLife' as soon as I admit being deviant.

Nevertheless, I wanted to tell him my story.

"I can assure you, Connor, that I am not a Deviant, but I can still tell you what really happened in the time we were kidnapped.", I said. In the questionings right after the incident I told them that the men simply took Connor away for dismantlement, not he died right in front of my eyes. I didn't want everyone questioning my obedience even more than they already did and this Connor couldn't remember the last minutes of the previous model.

"Please do so.", Connor said, waiting for me to start my story.

I told him how we were inside the can, planning our escape. I told him how we ran and how we were followed. I told him how he looked at me and how a bullet then hit his head. I didn't tell him how emotions of sadness and grief started flooding my body, leading to me wanting to die, then to live and then to die again. Connor listened closely, perhaps looking of tonal indecrepencies in my voice, or simply being interested in my story.

As I finished and stared into Connor's brown eyes, my stress level rose to 57%. Could I convince him I was not deviant?

"Are you in contact with any other deviants?", he then asked. I guess not.

"No.", I answered calmly.

"Have you ever hurt a human?", he then asked.

"When we were attacked, I disarmed a man for my own safety and thusly broke his ring finger.", I replied truthfully.

Now Connor stood up and came closer to me. My stress level rose to 72%. I knew he wanted me to say I was a Deviant, but I was not going to do so. Without clear confirmation of deviance, they could not send me to 'CyberLife'.

He kneeled down, just as he had done with Carolina weeks ago, he came even closer. As his face was only inches away from my own, he whispered: "What are you feeling now, Scarlet?"

I was unsure. On the one hand, this whole interrogation freaked me out. On the other hand, for some reason I felt a new emotion while being so close to Connor. I had no single word for describing this emotion, but it felt so good that in that moment I never wanted to be away for him ever again.

My facial expression must have given me away, because Connor smiled a little and then stood up again, making me crave for this strange emotion to stay with me, which it did. But because of this confusion, my stress level rose once again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were deviant, Scarlet? I thought we were friends.", he said, sounding disappointed.

"We are friends, Connor.", I answered.

I knew he wanted an emotional reaction for me. Inside my emotions did fight over my rationality, but my facial expression managed to stay blank. My stress level was nearing its maximum.

Just as Connor asked another question, I suddenly blacked out.

Deviant Behaviour - DETROIT: Become Human [Connor x OC]Where stories live. Discover now