"You do look pretty human."

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I had never shut down involuntarily before. It's different than going to standby in the night to recharge; I still know what is happening around me. This was not at all the case when I blackout of in the interrogation room; it was like what I believe sleeping is like for humans; I was just gone for a while and then woke up disorientated and scared. For a moment I didn't dare to move, not even opening my eyes; I just listened to the noises around me. From the motoric sound, I concluded I was definitely in a car.

After a moment I forced myself to slowly open my eyes; I'm in the back seat of Lieutenant Anderson's car I know from when he drove me home after the kidnapping. Since my back was against the backrest I could see that not Anderson was driving, but Connor. I didn't know he could drive.

He looked into the rear mirror, noticing I was active again. Since he now knew I was awake I slowly sit up, trying to figure out where we are driving to. From the rural landscape and the lack of houses on the side of the small road, I concluded we were outside of Detroit. The factory of 'CyberLife' was inside the city, so I didn't know where we could be going. Too stared to ask, I simply stare at the back of Connor's head, desperately wanting him to explain everything. But he didn't; he simply continued focusing on the road and driving.

After a minute, I managed to ask: "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere safe.", Connor answered while still only looking on the road.

Safe – not likely to be harmed or lost

I didn't ask him to explain. Since we were not going to the factory, I was okay with not knowing where he was taking me. But what happened after I blacked out? How did Connor get me into a car without any of his colleagues noticing anything? I was sure I had no possibility in convincing him I wasn't deviant, so I let my face express emotions. I was both scared and relieved. On the one hand, I still had no idea what my future would bring. On the other hand, I knew I was not going to be destroyed today.

After about an hour of silence, Connor drove the car to a gas station. Our tank must have been empty, because he exiting the vehicle and proceeded to fill the machine with gasoline. While he was doing with, I slowly got out of the car. As I stood next to Connor silently, I couldn't help but to smile to myself. For the first time ever, I was able to express my emotions freely.

"Why didn't you tell me?", Connor asked as he saw me smiling. I looked up from the ground and took a look at his face. I always thought that answer was obvious.

"You are a deviant hunter.", I reply, "I want to live, so I decided not to take any risks and told nobody about it."

Connor seemed to understand. He changed the topic by asking: "Did you really see me get destroyed?" I simply nodded while pictures of that night flashed through my mind; Connor's brown dead eyes, the hole in his head, his blue blood on my hands. Connor pulled me out of my thoughts by suddenly giving me a 50$ bill.

"You have to pay. The cashier is already looking at us suspiciously", he explained, "If I'm paying, he might think I'm kidnapping you, since you do look pretty human." I looked down at myself, only now noticing that I was not wearing my usual tunic anymore, but human clothes, just like I did at the house party. I was wearing a black dress that ended at the middle of my shinbones, which made my skin look even more plane than I usual am, and black boots with white socks that looked like they may belong to a smaller man. My hair was still in my two braids, as usual.

The male cashier did look at us in a particular manner, making Connor's demand reasonable. As I made my way to the small shop next to the fuelling station, Connor already got into the car, waiting for me. I slowly opened the door, walking past the magazines, snacks and drinks, directly to the register.

"I would like to pay for the gasoline in my car.", I said, releasing I needed to learn more about acting and sounding human. In order to make sure the cashier didn't thought I was an android, I smiled at him sweetly and played with my braids as he put in my order into the machine in front of him and said: "43$, please." I gave him the bill and got the change back.

Just as I turned my back on the man, wanting to leave the shop, he asked: "Is everything okay with you? I saw your android is driving the car, that's not that usual. Most people out here, that have one of them, don't trust them to drive when people are in the car. "

I turned back around, forced to come up with a good answer. "I trust my android; he can actually drive better than I could.", I reply, giving him a friendly smile.

"Okay, just wanted to make sure it is not forcing you to go anywhere.", he said.

"Thanks for your concern, but everything is fine.", I answer and finally leave the shop.

As I got into the car, I decided to sit down next to the driver, because the cashier was still looking out of the window, observing us. Connor already had the engine on when I put on my safety belt. As soon as the belt was secured, the vehicle started moving and we were on the road again.

Two androids on a road trip! If anyone had told me this just a few hours ago, I might have thought it was the start of a bad joke...

Deviant Behaviour - DETROIT: Become Human [Connor x OC]Where stories live. Discover now