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I have been activated for 424 days now.

The last time I saw Connor was on day 120. After we parted ways, I was taken to a small group of houses where Deviants were hiding from the police forces. As I arrived, I was registered as D539 for future relocation. Most other Deviants were nice; they fled alone or in groups from big cities in Michigan and came here after contacting a Deviant network. The LEDs from the side of our heads were removed without much pain, making us just look like humans to people who, for some reason, decided to travel through our tiny village.

I stayed in this town in the middle of nowhere for 86 days. Shortly before the government discovered our network on day 259, I was relocated to Lansing. Since Deviants seem more human than android, we were put into a house similar to the one I lived in with the Taylors. Here I lived with a male RK400 model named George, a female AX600 model called Laura and a child YK500 model named Logan; we were supposed to play a nice happy family. It seemed like the perfect plan, and it could have been, but it obviously wasn't when you have a spy in your family. Laura wasn't actually deviant, but just programmed by 'CyberLife' to seem like it. As the police knocked on our door, breaking it in moments later, killing George and taking Logan with them, I wished I had stayed with Connor despite the big risk.

With the Deviant network down and no one to help me, I made my way back to where everything started: Detroit. Laying low in the sewage system of the city,  I didn't have the best of days. Even though I barely survived, I did make new friends. One male RK200 model with the name Ender was living in the canal system for months when I joined him in his little corner of life; that was on day 291. We stayed hidden while the police, together with 'Cyberlife', tracked down nearly all of our fellow deviants and either destroyed or reseted them.

At about day 377 the police finally ended their excessive Deviant hunts, declaring that all malfunctioning android had been captured and that the new generation of robots with exist alongside of the older models that didn't show deviant behaviour.

On day 396 Ender and I decided to live among humans again, but not as their servants; as their equal. We told everyone we were a young couple named Melissa and Andrew Stephens looking for a little home for us and not much later we were able to move into a house in Detroit. I, of course, made sure we were far away from the Taylors home, since they were one of the only people that might recognize me; aside of Connor.

I thought about Connor a lot; my first friend. After so much time to reflex and understand the strange emotions I felt in the first days of being deviant, I now believe that I really did love him.

Love – a strong feeling of affection, a great interest and pleasure in someone

I'm unsure if I still do, since I haven't seen him in 304 days, but I will find out soon enough.

Now, after telling you my story of becoming deviant, I have the strong urge to see him again. Just observing him from a far would be enough for me to think clearly again. Ender obviously thinks it's a bad idea, but he also thought living around humans was also an absurd idea and now he loves it.

It's day 424 now. I walk down the street I was kidnapped from so many days ago with my bike. On the one hand, that incident was very traumatic for me. On the other hand, I might have never gotten access to my emotions if they hadn't killed Connor in front of me. This street is only blocks away from the police station. I leave my bike at the place we were kidnapped.

I do know it's a stupid idea to go into the police station, but hear me out. For once, it has been nearly one year since I went there only two times. Secondly, at the deviant village I was forced to cut my long hair into a bob and dye my hair from ginger to dark brown. I doubt anyone would recognize me, even Brent or Connor.

Saying my bike was stolen, I am escorted into the station and to the desk of an officer. While telling him what my vehicle looks like, I observe the area around me. Not much has changed since I were here; only a sign with 'This station captured 196 Deviants' over the entrance was added.

Lieutenant Anderson's desk is still at the same place it was before; the messy papers as well as a framed picture of a young boy let me come to this conclusion. Just as I think I might have gone here at the wrong time, the door I went through minutes again opens and non-other than Lieutenant Hank Anderson and Connor enter the station, seeming deeply focused on the conversation they are having. I can't hear what they are talking about, but they seem to get along better than the last time I saw them together at the house party.

I don't know why I'm surprised that Connor hasn't changed at all. It feels a bit like I traveled back in time as I see his usual slick brown hair, the same beautiful brown eyes, wearing an identical jacket I was given by the kidnapper. While I changed so much, he looks like the same old Connor.

I'm conflicted whether I want him to see me or want him to oversee my presence. I don't think he would arrest me, but I don't know what exactly he might do if he notices me. But my worries are useless, because Connor looks around the room and suddenly sees me.

Our eyes lock. He stops in his tracks as he continues to stare at me. But he doesn't look angry or worried, not even surprised, but with a neutral expression on his face. He then smiles a little and nods, as if to say 'I'm glad that you are alright and I'm happy to see you again". I grins back, nodding as well to answer "Yes, I made it thanks to you and I'm glad you are also still here." He then turns around to Anderson, who didn't notice him looking at me, and continues his conversation.

I complete my report and leave the station. This is all I wanted; to see Connor, make sure he knows how much he helped me and to make sure he is alright. I know this now and so there will be no further contact between us; for mine and his safety.

Another thing I know now is that I do still love him and I will never stop doing so.


Deviant Behaviour - DETROIT: Become Human [Connor x OC]Where stories live. Discover now