Number 4: How I was kidnapped

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I noticed two men in wide black jacket were following us. They were about walking about 20 meters behind us, looking at us in a way that made both Connor and I feel unsafe. Just as I wanted to ask him if we could take another way, three other men appeared in front of us, being lead into a small cul-de-sac. As we noticed we were in a trap, it was already too late.

As they pulled out knifes and other weapons, Connor pushed me behind him, trying to shield me from the imminent danger.

"What do you want from us?", he asked our predators.

The leader of the group, who was taking a step toward us, smiled devilish and answered in a cold voice: "We want you. Android parts bring half a fortune overseas."

My programming was in conflict. On the one hand, all androids have a certain sense of self preservation. On the other hand, it was impossible for me to injure humans in a serious manner. I wondered if Connor's programming in this area was the same as mine, because he looked ready to fight the humans in order to get us out of the situation.

"Don't come nearer.", Connor said in the louder voice than usual, "I am programmed with three different types of martial arts and I will not hesitate to use these programs."

The men chuckled while still holding their weapons and closing in on us.

"No android ever managed to escape from us.", the leader said, taking another step towards us and clenching the bat in his hand harder.

"There is always a first time.", Connor said.

Immediately all of the men started attacking us. The leader swung his bat at Connor's head, forcing him to duck down and leave me unprotected. As another man approved me with a pocket knife, my objective was to get the weapon away from him. Grabbing his hand while dodging away from the blade, I managed to disarm him. But the man was not neutralized yet. He punched me in the stomach, leading to me tumbling back. In this brief break, I could see that Connor had already beaten down one man and was currently battling two men simultaneously.

After I neutralized one man, I was beaten down by another man. As I felt blue blood in my mouth, Connor was still fighting vigorously. His coordinated kicks and punches had a majestic look to them. At that moment I felt the barrel of a gun on the back of my head.

"Stop immediately or she's dead.", the man shouted towards Connor.

Dead – no longer alive, gone

He looked at me, evaluated the situation, stopped fighting and put his hands up. Connor was looking at me, making sure I was still functional. They made me stand up and escorted us both to a van, while still holding guns to our heads. After putting us in the back of the car and handcuffing us, they locked us in and started the engine of the van.

After both Connor and I managed to sit up straight and as we sat in the moving car opposite of each other, I did not know what to say. Seeing him, with blue blood as well as a few red blood splatters on his face and arms and completely messy hair, looking back at me, left me speechless for the first time ever.

"Everything will be fine.", he said to me, managing to give me a small smile. I wondered how he could be still able to seem positive in this situation.

I was only able to nod.

"Scarlet, we will get out of here unharmed.", he said.

Unharmed – To endure no physical injury

"They will dismantle us and sell out individual parts.", I answered.

"That will not happen, okay?", he answered and pushed himself nearer to me, "You will be back home with Brent and his family in no time at all, I promise you that." His face was only inches away from mine as he said this.

Just then he was somehow able to un-cuff himself and proceeded to free me as well. He sat down right next to me in order to whisper me his escape plan in my ear. As soon as the doors of the can would open, we would neutralize the men right outside the door and then run as fast as possible.

It did not take long until the can stopped and we heard someone unlocking the back of the van. Just as the doors opened, Connor looked at me, signaling that now was the time. Before the man knew what was happening, he was on the ground and we were running. The other men heard the voice and followed us.

I was not as fast as Connor was. Running for life while having bullets fly around me, a strange sensation started filling my body. Right then, I knew I wanted to live. As Connor saw I was slower than him, he grabbed my hand, pulling me forward. His hand felt warm and his constant pull made me enhance my speed. Just as I thought we had got away, I heard the sound of a motorbike behind us. As it was getting louder and louder, we were running even faster.

Connor looked at me right when the biker was shooting a bullet in our direction.

Deviant Behaviour - DETROIT: Become Human [Connor x OC]Where stories live. Discover now