Number 3: How I visited the police station

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99 days after being purchased, Brent stayed at work for the whole afternoon.

As I served the dinner for the family, Ivy told me to put some of the rice and pork into a plastic bowl and bring it to him, together with flowers, since today was Brent and Ivy's wedding anniversary. But Ivy couldn't go herself, since she needed to help Louis with important schoolvwork. I suggested that I would help with the homework, but Louis still did not like me.

Anniversary – The date on which an event took place

I took the bus in order to get to the police station.

As I was walking into the station with a bag of food and flowers, the police officers looked at me, questioning why an unfamiliar android was here. It did not take long until I found Brent, sitting on his desk and typing on his laptop. I approached this table and started talking: "Hello Brent. I am here to give you food and flowers for your wedding anniversary."

His shocked face suggested he forgot the anniversary. Ivy feared this, which was the reason she send me in order to get him home earlier.

At that moment, a male entered Brent's office and said: "I didn't know you have an android girlfriend?! I wonder what your wife thinks about that..." Looking back on it, I realize he was using sarcasm, but back then I did not notice.

"I am here on the order of Ivy Taylor, Brent's wife.", I answered to the man.

"I forgot the anniversary!", Brent explained to him.

"Well, then you're fucked.", he answered and sat down at the other table in the room. I concluded that this man must be Brent's partner.

"But I still have so many reports to copy into the goddamn data base...", Brent said stressed.

"I could write them down for you.", I suggested, "I am able to write over 60 words per minutes. You can already go home and I will take the bus in order to get home."

Brent needed a moment to think about my proposal. Then he took his jacket, said how grateful he was that I was doing his work and quickly exited the police station.

As I sat down at the table and started typing, Brent's partner was looking at me curiously. After a while, I proceeded to stare back at him while still typing, leading to him talking to me.

"So, you are Scarlet...", he said.

"That is correct. And what is your name?", I asked.

"Johnson.", he answered, "And you were the one protecting his kid from a deviant. Connor told me you did a real good job."

Johnson – Surname from Danish, English and Swedish origin, literally meaning 'Son of John'

"Thank you.", I said and smiled, "Is Connor here at the moment?"

"I think he is at Hank's desk. Why?", he replied.

"He is my friend. I was thinking about talking to him after I finish this task.", I said.

My statement made Johnson chuckle. "Friend?", he said, not believing me.

I nodded and he continued with: "I didn't know androids could have friends. At least not when they aren't deviant."

"I can assure you, sir, that I am not deviant.", I answered.

"The way you talk makes it obvious that you're not.", he replied, "Deviants start sounding awfully like humans." Then he started working on his own work.

Human – Relating to a characteristic of humankind, a human being

After finishing Brent's work, I walked around the police station, looking for my only friend. It did not take me long to find him sitting at a desk next to Lieutenant Anderson, who seemed not especially happy.

As I came closer, I could hear them talk.

"No, Connor. That's not how it works.", he said, "Even though we are partners, you don't have to tell my every fucking thing you do, okay?"

"I understand, Lieutenant.", Connor answered, "But you asked me how my day went without you and that is the reason why I told you."

Lieutenant Anderson was shaking his head as he saw me. He needed a moment to recognize me.

"Oh, you are Taylor's android, right?", he said, "His desk is down the hall."

"Thank you, Lieutenant, but I am not looking for him.", I answered and then smiled at Connor, who had turned around in order to face me, "I wanted to say 'hello' to Connor."

"Sure.", he answered, seeming slightly confused why I would want to do so.

Connor noticed his confusion and said: "We are friends, Lieutenant."

"Right,", he replied, rolling his eyes, "Now androids can make android friends. Perfect." and walked away.

"Hank does not like androids very much.", Connor explained.

"Then it must be hard working with him.", I answered.

"To be true, I enjoy working with him.", he said, "But he is a bit of a challenge for me."

Challenge – Something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination

For some reason Connor had always seemed more human to me than I was. I thought maybe it was because he was a newer model than I was, or maybe because we worked with so many humans all the time.

"I do not believe you are here is simply talk to me. Do you have any problem?", he asked.

"No.", I answered and explained why I was there. What kind of problem could an android be in, besides being deviant? And if I had been deviant at that point in my story, I do not know whether I would have told him, in the middle of the police station. He was my only friend, but he was also working for the police.

After chatting about how the Taylors were doing and how Connor's latest case went, I had to head home, and since it was already nearly midnight the station was completely empty besides the night shift. The buses did not drive so late at night, so I wanted to walk home alone, but Connor insisted on accompanying me at least a part of the way.

As we were talking down the dark streets of Detroit, the Number 4 on my list of interesting events happened...

Deviant Behaviour - DETROIT: Become Human [Connor x OC]Where stories live. Discover now