Chapter 1

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The bath water sloshed around her as she got in. Stream streaked across the the mirror.

She fully submerged her body into the streaming water. She sucked in a breath from the heat of the water. Slowly she began to scrub her dirt covered body,being extra carful going over her cuts and bruises.

She sobbed silently. Why her? What did she do to deserve this?

She eased her body lower into the tub until the water reached her chest and neck. She took in a breath of air and slipped her head under the hot water.

Maybe I can just give up.

Because everyday I get up,and pretend I'm okay and that nothing is wrong.

I do this so I don't "seek attention".

So no one knows how I really feel.

I'm to scared to say it,so I hide behind a smile.

Its the only thing I can hide behind.

My lungs begin to burn. I tell myself only a little longer. Then I think back to the pain,maybe if I hold on just a little longer it will finally stop.

I sat in the water for a few more minutes collecting my breath. I jump as she pounded on the door.

" You have been in there long enough!! Get out!!"

I cringed at the sound of her voice.

The water splashed as I got out. I pulled the plug.

I laughed to myself. I was just about to do the same thing to myself.

I dried off as fast as I could and threw on my clothes. I opened the door and took a step out.

She pressed me up against the wall. Her flowery perfume made me want to puke. She drew back and slapped me.

I felt a pinch and a warm liquid trickle down my throat.


My wet hair clung to the side of my face.

" What's going on?"

I look over and see my dad.

Think!! Think!! He can't know!

"I fell and busted my lip, she was just making sure I was okay." I lied. To make it even more convincing, I added a smile.

"Okay. Well.. Y'all come eat, I brought Chinese for dinner."

" I'll be right there." My voice a little higher than normal.

I watched him turn the corner. His footsteps becoming more and more faint.

" Nice thinking. " She sneered. She grabbed my hair and pushed me away from her.

I watched as she went to go join my dad.

I walked backwards until my back hit the wall. I slowly let my self slide down. I buried my head in my hands.

What did I do wrong? Is it something I said? Silent tears streamed down my face. How am I supposed to explain this to my teachers?

I collected my thoughts and stood up. I wiped my face with the back of my hand and took a deep breath.

I walked down the dim hallway. My bare feet slapping the hardwood floor. I turned the corner and walked into the living room. I let my hand graze the black leather couch as I walked past. I took a right and walking toward the dinner table.

I pulled out the chair and sat down. I placed my hands on the cool wood and smiled.

" You okay?" My dad asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I look up into his blues eyes and lied my ass off.

" Yeah. I'm great."

He smiles and hands me a box of food. I immediately start eating. I haven't ate anything all day because she won't let me.

I look up and see my father smiling lovingly at her. I can't tell him... It would destroy him. He loves her. What's even worse is she pretends like nothing is happening. Well.. I am too.

If I didn't know any better I would have thought this was the " perfect family ". Hard working dad, Loving step mom, and an angel daughter. The thought made me sick. My food didn't seem to appetizing now.

After dinner I tell them good night and head to my room. I look at my phone and see I have a few texts from Nicole. I just ignore them and get into bed.

I'm not sure how much longer I can take, its been going on for 4 months now.

I make sure my alarm was set and crawled in bed. Thank God tomorrow I have school.

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