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i'm sorry if my actions hurts you, because you hurt me first.


"yo jimin!" sora came to my house after i called her, she greeted my parents as she got into my room.

we started googling things related 'love', and thanks to this project, i got to know what's 'one sided love'. yes, it describes me, very detailed.

"let's make a novel!"

she looked at me as if she had thought of the best idea of the century. novel? i never wrote anything related to love, i only like writing some poetry during my free time, maybe that'll come in handy?

"what kind of novel, romance? melodrama?"

i questioned as she rubbed her chin.

"maybe, some romance, and it's about a two childhood friends, and love sprouted between them, they love, some drama, they got separated, and in the end they got together again, a typical fictional novel!" she started to talk about what she's gonna do about the project.

somehow it made me remind of us.

"well, are you in this or not park jimin?" i snapped out of it as i just nodded.

"sure, let's start."


"ugh, i need coffee." sora yawned, as she bang her head onto the drafts that we had wrote.

"i'll get you some." i stood up from my desk as i walked downstairs to the kitchen and make some coffee for her.

"shit." i murmured under my breathe as i realized that we had just finished our last coffee pack yesterday.

"are you done yet, i've been waiting for so long." sora's voice made an appearance behind me as i told her that we were out of coffee.

"it's okay! let's go out and get some starbucks, my treat." she smiled as she grabbed my hands and dragged me out from my house.


"i'll go line up for the coffee, make sure that no one snatches our seats." she reminded as she ran towards the line, it wasn't long but it was long enough to wait for a half an hour.

"kookie!" a high pitched female voice startled me as i looked back. a girl with a cute smile on ran into the shop as she ran towards a boy, whom looked familiar.

"seyeom!" the boy hugged back the girl as he kissed her in the lips.

the face of the boy looked somehow familiar as i tried to focus more to the boy's features.

"why are you spying other lovebirds?" sora suddenly sat next to me as she handed me some nice ice americano.

"thanks, but look over there, don't the boy look familiar?" i pointed towards the boy, as she just glanced for a while and laughed.

"why are you laughing?" i asked as she laughed even harder, almost making others looking at the both of us.

"it's jeon jungkook from our class, and the girl is his this week's victim." she smiled as if it wasn't a big deal.

"victim?" i lifted my eyebrows as she just slowly shook her head.

"jeon jungkook, our school's most notorious playboy, don't you know?"


iNtErNaTiOnAl PlAyBoY


btw, i stalked on someone's account,

and trust me, it's weird but i didn't expect what i saw next.

okay, ill talk about that some other time.

let's play something.

it's kinda like a pickup line (or not idk

but just reply me inline:

do you wanna be my sunshine?


have a nice day / night !

4 o'clock | jimina short storyWhere stories live. Discover now