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i find myself always trying to speak to you,
but the words will always be blew away by the wind.


"it's hard for me to remember that you've never remember me as who i used to be,

now, i'm just your classmate, your neighbor, and not your love."

my eyes were closed as my words hut your door. the wind was strong today, i felt cold as it kept blowing onto my weak body.

i feel sick mina,



"did you called her last night?" sora tapped my shoulders like usual as i sniffed my nose before answering. i got a cold this morning, i don't know how.

"no, my mother was standing beside me, how was i even going to try?" i rolled my eyes as i took a tissue from my pocket.

"you got sick?" she seem to notice as she ran in front of me.

"yeah, i don't know how though."

"good morning jimin! and sora." your voice appeared from my back as i felt the chills. i missed your voice although it was just a day.

i turned around getting ready to greet you back, but instead, i was welcomed by you and your little crush.

jeon jungkook.

he was smirking at me, as i saw his arms laid around your hips. i don't like that, i can cut down his arms if i need to, but it's school time.

"good morning mina." i smiled at you bitterly as my gaze was at the rough floor surface. the image that you being with him makes my blood boil, you knew that he's a playboy, yet you chose him.

"are you sick?" you seem to let go off jungkook's chain as i saw you feet stepped in front of me.

i looked up again, only to see you were right in front of me, and our noses were just inches away.

suddenly, a tint of pink flashed on your cheeks as you quickly search your bag to find me a pack of tissue. you smiled as i slightly narrowed my eyes across to jungkook, he was basically not enjoying this scene.

"come on mina, we're gonna be late for our chemistry class." he intertwined your hands with his as you were yet again taken away by him.

"see you later jimin." i said to me before you were snatch by the devil.

"see you later." i waved.

"maybe never." sora laughed sarcastically as i hit her arm.

"i was just kidding man. by the way, you better be careful of jungkook." she said.

"and why?"

"because i don't think he's gonna let you take mina's heart so easily, he's a playboy, after all."


it's tomorrow !






and beware another double update this week !

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