Chapter 5: "May the odds be ever in your favour."

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The two were then split up and began the cleaning process, they began stripping them of the hair and the dirt on their bodies, the people washed and waxed, peeling off the dry and head skin, shaping their eyebrows, shaving any facial hair off and waxing all of the body hair off of them. Towards the end of it Blake swore he'd never been cleaner. He then found himself sitting on a metal bench when his stylist walked in with a bright smile, her green eyes sparkling with excitement as her deep electric blue hair that went down below her waist flowed with her movements as she made her way over to him. "They were right you are handsome." She exclaimed holding out her hand. "I'm Letina, I've already gotten your adorable friend Solar ready for the tribute parade."

"So, we should get started?" Blake asked her not sure how to start.

"Oh yes, I have big plans for you. Do you have abs?" She asked and Blake shook his head. "Too bad, I could have painted you in silver glitter over your body if you did. Moving on, stand up." She demanded and Blake pushed himself off of the table and she gripped his torso moving him around looking over him. "I gave Solar black tights with strappy blue sandals, she's got a dress with a fight black chest area and it flows out with a light blue fabric that glows and she's got curled pigtails. So I'm thinking we get you in a light blue shirt that shimmers and dark blue pants, and we get you a black vest, for the make up I did a glittery bit around her eyes and cheeks so I'll do the same for you. Now come on handsome, I can't wait to work with you." She excitedly exclaimed pulling him in the direction of the make-up room.

Blake made his way out with Letina by his side and she was gushing over him picking at his clothes and Blake supressed the urge to groan as she had opted to go with just a shimmery blue vest no undershirt and she gave him wrist bands that let out short bursts of harmless blue electricity currents that were visible to the human eye and she then ran over to Solar putting on a headband. "You two look amazing!" She exclaimed brightly as she clapped her hands together.

"I feel ridiculous." Blake scowled.

"Don't you dare say that!" Letina shouted.

"I look like I got swallowed by the colour blue." Blake complained putting his hands on his hips. "Seriously, I don't think the silver glitter is going to come out of my hair in the next three centuries."

"Oh, don't be silly, it's aquamarine blue." Letina laughed looking up at Blake who sighed shaking his head.

"Are you serious?" Blake asked.

"No, I'm Letina." She joked and Blake sighed shaking his head again and he then held up his hands gesturing to the three of them.

"I can't be here for this. I'll be over with the horses where I don't want to rip my hair out because of the silver glitter." Blake dryly drawled out going to turn around and walk away.

"It's aquamarine." Solar called out laughing at the bitterness of Blake at that very moment. "I think he looks handsome." Solar exclaimed childishly giggling.

"I know. He's going to be very popular amongst the tributes. You have to go up, and you do look adorable. Remember to smile." Letina laughed as she took Solar's hand leading her towards the horses. The two tributes were standing up on the chariot when Blake found himself trying to ignore his pounding heart and the heart eyes Solar was flashing him.

"I think you look nice." Solar complimented him.

"Thanks. I guess. Are you okay?" Blake asked her and she nodded.

"I am as long as we stick together." Solar shared as the chariots began to ride out and Blake grinned holding up his hand and waving out into the crowd, Solar's eyes grew wide as she nervously looked out at them and Blake glanced down at her taking her hand and he held it up causing a loud cheer to erupt and Solar giggled waving out at the crowd as she felt her heart flutter with fear and nervousness. Their horses then ran around the main area coming to a stop and they put their hands down looking up at President Snow who was standing so far above them on his own podium.

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