Chapter 15: "Let's give them the best show of their life."

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That night Edison sat in his room looking down at the picture of him, Sawyer and Electra. All of them huddled together looking after each other. His door opened and his head snapped in the direction of Electra who was holding a letter in her hand, she made her way up to him holding it out for him to take. "Who is it from?" Edison asked.

"Sawyer." Electra shared and he took it reading it. She sat there with him as he opened the letter looking at her messy writing scrawled over the pages.


I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye to you, it's not just because I wanted to say goodbye to Electra it's also because I have no idea how to even begin to say goodbye to you. I don't know how I'll go on knowing that only one of you will make it out alive. I always thought that it was me who would end up getting reaped, I'm the daughter of a victor after all. But I never thought it would be you two. I don't know exactly what to say or where to begin but knowing you had been one of the greatest things I've ever experiences and I'm rooting for you and Electra and I hope by some miracle I don't lose either of you, but if I do I'll never love anyone else like you. I don't want you to die for nothing in the games, I don't know if I can live without you.

With all the love I have left

Sawyer Lightwood

Edison felt his heart break as he closed the letter he felt as if someone was trying to rip his heart out and he looked up at Electra his eyes red and puffy with hurt and tears shining in his eyes. Electra reached her hand out grasping his hands, a weak smile making its way onto her lips as she did her best to make him feel better even if she knew it wouldn't work. "If it comes down to you and me, I want you to kill me Edison." Electra demanded not missing the wide broken eyes that belonged to Edison.

"I can't do that El, you're my sister. We die together, that's how it has to be. I can't do this without you." Edison muttered shaking his head. He didn't want to let Electra go. He didn't want to be the one to kill her but seeing that look in her eyes he knew she would try to make it happen.

"It wasn't a question." She whispered before making her way out of his room and to her own with every step she knew she was asking Edison to do the impossible. But she couldn't live with all of these facts running around in her mind. Edison had someone who loved him waiting for him to come back home. She couldn't take that chance away from him when no one was waiting for her to come back home, no one who loved her the way Sawyer loved Edison. As Electra was making her way down the hall she jumped as she saw a lone figure standing in the hallway, looking down at the ground. She quickly recognised that as Blake. He turned to look at her before walking away, his eyes were cold, almost dead. This wasn't the guy she saw in the interviews but she'd always noticed something off about the victors.

The next day they were all sitting together at the breakfast table, Blake sat at the head of the table looking brighter than he had over the past few days, his clothes were neatly placed on him, his hair actually clean as he looked fresh, Bolt wasn't much different either. He was bright eyed and stunning. Electra and Edison sat opposite Bolt and Vina waiting for anything, any forward of advice. "What's the schedule for today?" Edison asked curiously while Blake and Bolt shared a look.

"Nothing you're going to like." Bolt replied smoothly with a small echo of laughter. "What's your plan for the games? Have you thought about it? I think your first plan of action will be how you're going to survive the bloodbath." Bolt began getting down to business not wanting either of them to die. If he gave them the best possible chance at life maybe he wouldn't end up feeling guilty for their death.

"I was thinking we both run away and then regroup after everyone's gone." Edison gave his thoughts on what they should do, Bolt nodded looking to Electra.

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