Chapter 10:"Golden boy, Panem's favourite son, Blake Everrett everyone!"

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The next day Blake was standing in the waiting room as Letina fussed over his appearance, he was wearing a white button up shirt with a black vest and black pants, he looked as if nothing ever happened, the scars that should have been etched on his face were gone, he looked the very definition of a golden boy. Clean, presentable, nice. He was called onto the stage and walked on shaking hands with Caesar. "Oh, look it's our favourite Golden Boy, the sweetheart himself, Blake Everrett!" Caesar shouted to the crowd who loudly cheered for him. "How are you?"

"I'm actually very well Caesar, I've never been better, I feel as though I've turned a new leaf for myself. How are you? I hope you are as good as you smell and look." Blake smiled taking a seat beside Caesar who laughed bashfully shaking his head, his toothy grin never failing to impress the crowd.

"Oh, you are so cute." Caesar laughed. "Isn't he adorable?" Caesar asked turning to the crowd laughing. He then turned back to Blake who remained friendly and smiling as if nothing had changed for him. "Now you have to tell me, when was the point where you decided you wanted to live? You were adamant about getting Solar out alive." Caesar pointed out eyeing Blake.

"I guess when she begged me to kill her that's when the game changed for me. I decided if she couldn't get out alive then I would." Blake answered forcing a sweet smile. "But I do offer my deepest sympathies to the tributes loves ones. And to the Capitol I really must say I should spend more time here, it's just amazing. And the food is amazing." Blake exclaimed.

"Oh, we hope you don't let yourself go, you are a very attractive man." Caesar pointed out grinning.

"Trust me Caesar, I won't let myself go, whenever I think about doing so, I'll remember this interview and I'll remember Caesar doesn't want me to let myself go. I only hope I age with grace." Blake shared with everyone who loudly cheered for him and Blake grinned waving at everyone.

"You are just as kind as when we met. So how did you feel when the final moments came and Augustus and Alexis exploded right in front of you?" Caesar asked him leaning in and Blake took a moment to think about it.

"When someone is faced with life or death what else is there to really think about? I thought I could really go for some chocolate right now. But then the blood splattered on me and I lost my appetite as one does. Caesar can I ask you a question?" Blake asked leaning back in his seat.

"Of course." Caesar agreed.

"Do you think I'm a good person?" Blake asked cocking his head to the side with false wonder. "I'm only asking because I never want anyone to think badly about me. I care about everyone that I meet and well I would hate it if you thought I wasn't a good person."

"How can I not think you are a good person? If I could bet on the nicest person alive I'd bet on you. You are so sweet. Isn't he sweet folks?" Caesar loudly asked causing a loud eruption of cheers to come from the crowd. "So you'll be seeing you daughter again soon right?"

"Yes, I can't wait to see her. In a way protecting Solar reminded me of my daughter. I was thinking of taking her on the victory tour with me, show her around the districts and show them around the districts. I know she's only a small child but I think she deserves to see the world." Blake shared with Caesar who nodded understandingly.

"As long as you bring her to the Capitol at the end of your tour I think it definitely sounds like a great plan." Caesar exclaimed. "Who would love to meet Blake's daughter?" Caesar asked and everyone screamed in excitement. "What is the lovely little girls name?"

"Her name is Deena. Before we run out of time I just want to thank the Capitol for hosting me and to Panem and District 5 for supporting me. Thank you." Blake waved to the crowd and they fanatically screamed again as Caesar and Blake stood up shaking hands.

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