Chapter 18: "Happy birthday."

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Electra stood tall her heart pounding against her chest, she felt as if she could hear it. It was counting down, it began to lift her up. As it lifted her up and came up to reveal the arena Electra looked around, her eyes wide in shock as she looked around seeing a barren wasteland of sand and rocks. She'd prepared for a lot of scenarios in her head but she'd never prepared for this one. She didn't know how to find water in a Desert and she didn't know how she was going to survive. All that mattered to her was getting out of the blood bath alive, she looked around looking for Edison. Edison was standing between Milo from 9 and Mink from 10, he felt the dry desert wind knock against his face making his whole-body flush with heat he looked around finding Electra, he wanted to shout for her but he knew better than that. Electra crouched down ready to run, she glanced to her right seeing Lux standing beside her, he smirked darkly in her direction.

As the countdown reached one everything became a blur for Electra as she leapt forward, falling to her knees in the sand as she scrambled to get up, she knew she wasn't the only one struggling with the sinking sand beneath their feet. She pushed herself forward and she gripped a back pack slinging it over her shoulder and she looked around grabbing the closest pointy objects she could find. She went to turn and run away but she felt herself being tackled to the ground. Electra grunted upon impact looking up to see Ash hovering above her as a spear flew past them, he then pulled her up and the two ran from the cornucopia.

As the countdown reached one Edison ran forwards into the cornucopia and his eyes landed on Topaz already having killed the 12 year-old Nelly from District 12, the first cannon sounded as Edison was tackled to the ground and he grunted landing on the top, he gripped the persons neck looking up not registering whose neck he was grabbing due to the rush of adrenaline he crashed their hand against the sand before grabbing the closest thing which was a canteen of water and he began bashing it violently against her head, the blood splattering over his face until she was very dead and he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned seeing Topaz standing there. Standing up he looked down at Dayta from district 3. He felt his stomach churn with sickness as guilt filled his system to the point where he felt himself drowning in it. The cannons went off.

1 (Nelly)

2 (Flax)

3 (Dayta)

4 (Cooper)

5 (Buck)

6 (Milo)

One by one the Cannons went off haunting Edison's mind, he his stomach churn as he looked at the dead bodies and then he looked to Topaz, Lux, Styx and Lennox watching him, Styx was covered in blood his eyes holding fury over not having made the first kill in the game. Edison looked between them with a stern smile as he tried his best to regain his guilty composure. "Grab what you need we're going hunting." Styx ordered gruffly shoving past Edison, he didn't want to be in the alliance with Edison but Topaz and Lux liked him and Lennox liked Lux so he had to for now. Edison nodded making his way forward looking for a machete.

"Edison get it together." Topaz ordered gruffly brushing past him as the grabbed a bag looking around. "We're going to need a shit ton of water." Topaz commented with a sigh.

"So basically, gather all of the water we can find. I saw 7 heading that way, I say we go there. I mean there isn't many places we can hide in this arena." Lux started with a shrug of his shoulders as he began grabbing all of the canteens from the bags.

"I like how you think." Lennox chuckled.

"What do you think Edison?" Topaz asked watching him, her blue eyes unmoving as she tried to gauge him. She had gotten him in her alliance because she was the only one in the games that thought of Electra and him to be threats. She wanted to split them up and turn him into something that his sister couldn't love. Everyone had a line they wouldn't cross and she was going to get Edison to cross it.

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