Chapter 17: "I don't believe real love is a physical act."

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The next night every one of the tributes were waiting ready and dressed to impress in bright clothes. Electra was standing in a long silver sequences gown while Edison was standing in a silver suit with the top few buttons of his shirt undone. They needed to impress everyone by looking as close to perfection as they could.

"Remember you two, be on your best behaviour." Vina demanded looking to them with a stern smile before she grinned as Letina made her way up beside Vina.

"You two look stunning. I love what I did with your hair." Letina grinned stroking Electra's braids on the side of her head tied in with silver and lights. Blake walked up to them with a frown while Bolt was in tow not looking happy but the two were pretty much inseparable so far that the twins had seen.

"Milk every bit of interesting things about you. You need sponsors, they can very well be the deciding factor between life and death. Go kill em." Blake slapped Edison's arm with a grin and he walked away. Electra then turned to Edison with a small smile.

"You'll do good. You should talk about Swayer if they ask about any love. I'm going for sibling attachment." Electra shared with him trying to keep herself busy, Edison gripped her hands holding onto them steadying her.

"We'll be okay. We just have to keep our minds on the prize. We'll be fine." Edison promised her pulling her into a hug. Electra smiled holding onto him glad she had him. Electra was lucky he ended up being the calm to her erraticness. Soon Electra was called out onto the stage, she placed on a large smile waving to the crowd and she shook Cesare's hand. Her smile was brighter than anyone had ever seen on her. Cesare looked over her dress spinning her around with a husky giggle as he looked over her gown.

"Well don't you look stunning." He exclaimed twirling her around and Electra laughed taking her seat. "Now Electra, are you prepared?" he asked her peering into her green eyes, Electra laughed lightly taking a brief moment to think about it.

"I'd like to think I am. I have thought about my position and I'm hoping I can get the support I need to survive." Electra shared with him shrugging which earned a small burst of laughter from Cesare.

"Now you are fighting alongside your brother am I correct? How do you feel about that?" He asked her.

"Well Edison is actually my twin, he's younger than me by 2 minutes. I actually am nervous about that. I've never ever really had to fight against him and I'm hoping to protect him as best as I can. I really adore my little brother." Electra shared with Cesare and he nodded interested. "I remember when we were kids I'd always be getting into trouble and he'd always be getting me out of it, so I guess we'll all have to wait and see."

"Oh, that's so sweet. A protective older sister, and a spectacular beauty. Now tell me you have to have a love, maybe a boy back home?" He asked inching in closer. "I know we're all waiting in suspense to know." He teased laughing again.

"No, I'm afraid I don't. I never really found the one for me." Electra shrugged. "You know the boys weren't interested in me and I wasn't interested in the boys. I guess they were just never really worth my time." Electra admitted with a sigh."

"Oh, did you hear that boys and girls?" Caesar asked loudly looking over to the loud crowd of people watching them he then turned back to Electra. "So, you've never been with a boy? Not even a single kiss?" Electra's mind went back to Finnick and his soft lips on hers but her lips then formed a mischievous smile knowing he was watching her.

"No, the way I see it the real romance is in the words exchanged between two people who unconditionally love each other. I don't believe real love is a physical act." Electra shared her views on it. "I hope one day I find someone who'll love me for me and not for what I have or haven't won. And I hope they won't need to be physical just to express their love for me because at the end of the day all of that it's nothing if you can't communicate with words." Electra shared.

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