Chapter 22: "Who knew you were such a romantic."

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Blake was sitting inside of the train with Electra, looking out of the window, he reached for a cigarette placing it between his lips he then held out the cart to Electra who glanced down at it with a frown shaking her head. "So, you really never been kissed before Ash?" Blake asked with a humorous smile while Electra rolled her eyes at his stupid question.

"No, I have, I didn't exactly want to broadcast who it was though." Electra shared with him as he lit the cigarette taking a drag of it laughing lightly as the smoke escaped his lips.

"Can I get a name?" Blake asked inching closer to Electra demanding the gossip.

"Finnick Odair." Electra sardonically drawled out as if the name was both poison and the object of her desire that evaded her.

"That is a bold choice of a partner." Blake nodded slowly as Electra smirked up at him. "He's handsome, I can see the attraction. His eyes are so dreamy." Blake exclaimed feigning a girlish voice as his body shook with silent laughter. "Why did you kiss him?" Blake asked seriously, having Finnick Odair as your first kiss was a very memorable way to enter into the sexual world but from what he'd seen Electra never cared much for the physical side of love, she never showed much interest, he watched a ghost of a smile appeared on her lips as she finally found herself thinking about something other than Edison.

"I don't know..." Electra trailed off her mind racing with all the plausible reasons she would have kissed him. And she came up blank. "He was so different to anything I'd ever seen with my own two eyes, to get to touch something like that, make even the slightest lasting impression when I'd thought I wouldn't make it out alive, it felt good. I thought maybe he'd remember me." Electra wistfully explained with a weak smile as she thought about him, laughing lightly at the memory, wanting him to want her made her feel good.

"Who knew you were such a romantic." Blake chuckled watching as Electra rolled her eyes at his teasing tone. He watched as she radiated genuine happiness for the first time he'd known her. He knew it wouldn't last but even for a moment they could pretend they were something else.

"Shut up." Electra looked down, shaking her head.

"Well I can assure you he didn't forget who you were. I don't think anyone could." Blake admitted with a shrug of his shoulders, the two sharing a tender smile as Vina burst through the door dramatically holding her pale hands up, a squeak drew the attention of the two young victors, she made her way to them sitting down between the two holding out place cards.

"Memorise them, now remember unlike Blake you have a sweet short visit. Stick to the cards and do nothing that you haven't been ordered to do, do we understand?" Vina asked carefully as Electra nodded with a deep sigh, she took the cards.

"I'll get on that." She muttered her scarred knuckles sinking into the cushion of the sit as she pushed herself up, leaving the doom. That night Electra was lying in her bed, she stared up at the roof tiredly, her droopy eyes refused to sleep as her mind raced with thoughts of the games. She remembered everyone she killed, she'd never been more okay with their deaths, all but one. She didn't know what kind of animal could sleep like a baby after the games. The morning quickly came around and Electra was dolled up ready to appear on stage in front of all of 12. She felt her body go weak as she looked out at the people, the families. Blake placed his hand on her arm and she jumped, her head snapped to him, her wild eyes grew wide as she watched him.

"You think you can do this?" Blake asked.

"I don't have much of a choice." Electra whispered drawing in a deep breath. She made her way onto the stage. She had been made sure to dress to impress, to look as beautiful as possible, Letina had been ordered by someone higher up than any of Electra's staff to make Electra seem overly desirable. Someone wanted people to imagine Electra writhing and moaning underneath men and women alike who could afford it. A smile lit up on her face as she gazed out at the large ashy mass of grey, she looked out at the coal miners, bakers, poor and average wealth alike. She hadn't killed any tributes from district 12, not directly. She didn't do her best to help them either. She led Ash to his death. Edison's deeds were her own. Her eyes strayed to his picture, his cocky smile as if he knew exactly how everything was going to end and he enjoyed and even revelled in it. Electra closed her eyes, the smile slipping and her lips began to tremble as she was reminded of how he made her feel. They weren't anything, they didn't have the time to become anything but it was an almost that made Electra feel invincible until she lost him. Ash's blood had stained Edison's hands and now they stained Electra's. Letina had demanded on the braids and the black dress that complimented her body. She had dark eye make-up and she smiled greeting everyone. It made her seem both intimidating and beautiful at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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