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I thought he was nice then why he is acting like a jerk to me? Why he is making my life difficult than it already is? I guess, everyone hates a loser like me.

At least, I had peace at school when no knew me but after having a huge argument with Taehyung in canteen everyone started giving me a look. Some look of disgust, some look full of hate, some look filled with pity but I didn't see any look of concern.

Who could be concerned with me when I fought with their Prince. Prince Taehyung.

Why? Because he put spinach on my lunch. He knew it, he knew I was allergic to spinach. He knew I hated butterflies, dogs and snakes. And yet he didn't stop pranking me with those stuffs.

Putting fake snakes on my bag, bringing his dog to school, troubling me with butterflies. Those were the only thing he would do with me. But I was oblivious with the fact how he knew about my fears?

I hated attention more than anything in my life. But after knowing Taehyung, whole school started showering me with their bloody attention.
I had to hide my face while walking in hallway, I had to shut my mouth from screaming when he pinched me on my thighs during class, I had to spend my whole time in rooftop or garden so that he couldn't trouble me.

But that day he crossed his all limits. Pranking me with my fears was acceptable but embarrassing me in front of whole class wasn't. He was telling them about my 'black bra' incident.
Laughter echoed through the whole class, mocking looks & teasing smile were already pissing me off.

And there he stood, in the middle of the class, pride of victory plastered on his beautiful face. I slowly made my way towards him and stood in front of him maintaining a comfortable distance. And the thing I did after that stopped everything. Gasps and whistles echoed through the classroom. Because

I fucking slapped their Prince.

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