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Those seven words were enough to break his heart. Taehyung sighed, looking at the scenary in front of him. The place was peaceful, sounds of birds chirping and water flowing in a motion could be heard. That's what he needed at that time.


He couldn't understand what he was feeling. Anger, sadness, heartbroken or maybe all. He was angry with himself for thinking about her the whole time. But sadness & heartbroken wouldn't make any sense.

He had Areum.

Yes, he had Areum. Just the thought of her made him feel more horrible and guilty. Guilty towards his own actions. His girlfriend loved him with her all heart and yet he was thinking about another woman. Not only thinking, he just kissed her.

Taehyung would get anything, anything he would ask for. He had everything though. Supportive parents, good friends and sweet, loving, caring, beautiful girlfriend.

But he wanted something else. And that something else was none other than y/n.

His peaceful thoughts were interrupted when something rushed behind him. He turned around to look at the source just to meet with cheerful looking Areum.


Areum immediately ran to his arms, wrapping his torso with her short ones and resting her head against his hard chest.

"I missed you", her muffled voice tickled Taehyung. He immediately wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. He snuggled into her hair inhaling her sweet scent. He wanted to forget everything at that moment.

"How did you know I was here?", he spoke against her hair.

She broke the tight hug looking up at him and said, "This is the place where you usually come when you're sad or anything is bothering you. Why would I not know about my boyfriend' little secret." Her hand never leaving his torso.

He felt like thousand of arrows were piercing his heart. He let out a nervous laugh before pecking her lips. But Areum wasn't satisfied with that. She immediately grabbed his neck bending it towards her and tiptoeing to reach his lips.

He was shocked by her sudden action but kissed her back anyway. Their lips moved in sync. Areum was enjoying but Taehyung, his mind was full of thoughts. Thoughts of him cheating on Areum, reaching for a girl he would never get.

He kissed Areum as the same way as he had kissed y/n but he felt nothing more than guilty. Guilty for his earlier action. Those butterflies and feels he experienced while kissing y/n were different.

Something special.

Taehyung broke the kiss panting hard and rested his head against her. Then Areum said,

"I missed you"

"I missed this"


Taehyung & Areum?
Taehyung & Y/n?

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