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After 6 days, I got a chance to breathe in a fresh air.

But still I didn't get any freedom.

This 'son of a bitch' and I are going to attend my school from now on.

As we entered the school building, I felt some soothing sensation, something warm on my hand. Before I knew, he had already intertwined our fingers together.

I looked above to meet his eyes.

That day I saw something different in his eyes.

His usual smirk was replaced with a genuine smile.

His eyes sparkled as he softly whispered, "let's go"

I simply nodded and we made our way to our class.


I tripped over my foot and my head banged against the door earning a lot of attention.

Jungkook quickly held my hand tight pulling me back to him.

"Are you okay?", he asked.

"Huh! Yeah"

This jerk is acting way too nicely with me.

They aren't planing to kill me, right?

No no no. Don't overthink your overthink, y/n.

Jungkook stood there in front of our class to introduce himself.

I eyed the whole class in search of him.
But my eyes stuck on those hands.

His and Areum'.

They got together, I guessed.

The look on his face was unreadable.

When I noticed his gaze, I realised he was looking at our intertwined fingers, intensely.

"Please introduce yourself, new kid", Mr. Min said.

"Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook. I have nothing special to say, hope we will get along", Jungkook said slightly bowing but he never let go of my hand.

I was feeling uncomfortable with all those gazes and whispers.

They were probably surprised seeing me with him.

Freak with hot dude.


Jungkook excused himself to go to washroom.

I told him to meet me up at rooftop.

But before I'd climb the staircase, long slender fingers covered my mouth as they pushed me inside the janitor closet.

I was about to yell at whoever this freak was.


My eyes almost popped out of its socket as my breath hitched.

Something warm brushed against my lips then I realised...

Kim fucking Taehyung was kissing me.


What I just wrote?
*shyly looks down*

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