Twenty One

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The sound of heavy footsteps broke the silence of the night. He reached in front of old abandoned building panting and gasping for air. The slender pine trees were swaying in the wind on each of his side.

He came to a halt and looked up at the building. Horror. He felt like he was in a horror movie. He proceeded inside the building with slow and steady pace. Detaching cobweb from their place, he continued searching for her inside the chilly building.


A loud thud echoed throughout the building. He stiffened and started looking for the source of a mysterious noise. It came from the second floor. He hastily walked upstairs looking side to side. A single ray of light from inside the wooden door came into his view. He squinted his eyes to see if there was anyone. And the seen inside was the last thing he wanted to see.

Taehyung kicked the door hard, breaking it into pieces. His hands curled into fists, blood boiling and breathing uneven. All the man dressed up in a black suit turned thier hand gun towards the intruder. But he didn't flinch. Heck! He didn't even notice them, his focus was on the girl he was searching for, she was there, her hands & legs were tied into the chair. Then his attention went towards the man who was holding his gun pointing at her.

Junglecock boy.

"Well, if it ain't a loverboy who came to see his lover dying in front of him and die after her," Jungkook said mockingly. "We will see, jungle book, we will see," Taehyung wasn't in a mood to joke but he couldn't comprehend his cocky comment.

"Taehyung, please go back. Don't come near me. They will kill us both. Please, Tae, go back", Y/N cried wiggling her head side to side. "I will take you from here, darling, let me deal with this fucktard first", Taehyung clenched his jaw marching towards Jungkook and taking him in his hands.

All the guards were ready to shoot Taehyung but Jungkook signaled them to put their guns down. Putting his gun inside his waist pants, he stood doing nothing when Taehyung was on the verge of choking him.

"What do you want from her", Taehyung muttered under his gritted teeth. Jungkook expression changed from smug to serious, he released himself from Taehyung's grasp, "Her."


Taehyung opened his mouth but couldn't utter anything. He always knew that Jungkook had something for his girlfriend. But he didn't think that he would go to this limit just to get her. "I don't want anything from from her. I want her." Jungkook continued.

Taehyung was about to knock some consciousness inside him but at the moment, sound of some clicking heels against the floor disturbed their little chitchat. All heads turned towards the stunning lady, she looked like she was in her mid-fourties, she was wearing turtleneck blouse with patterned knee-length skirt perfectly hugging her slim legs. She was gorgeous with no doubt. But who knows what was inside that glamorous attitude.

"You might need nothing from her, son. But I need her everything. And when I say everything it means including herself." She gave an amusing smile to Taehyung. "Diana", Y/N lowly growled. "Where are your manners, baby? Did your mother not teach you to respect elders?" The woman turned towards Y/N. "Don't drag my mother down, you filthy woman." she yelled at her.

"Now, now, now, you should start calling me mother-in-law by now, little girl. Or should I say step-mother."

"Why do you want me to call you mother, ugly chicken rubber. Do you not enjoy my beautiful pet names?" Y/N enjoyed insulting her father's second wife as much as she hated her.

"Don't test my patience, darling. You don't want me to kill you right here in front of your lover boy, do you?"

"As if you could kill me, potato cracker. You still need my money."

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