Chapter 4 - His proposal, accepted or rejected?

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Thank you guys for your lovely comments it motivates me to carry on writing. Thank you and please comment guys each comment means a lot to me . thank you

Kirti reaches her apartment she uses her keys and opens the door.

She enters and with each step she takes she gets a weird anxious feeling .

She somehow finds the light switch and switches it on .

Kirti is suprised at what she sees

The whole room was decorated with flowers

Her apartment was all set up nicely

And there was a huge board that said im sorry which was nicely decorated.

She was speechless she had never seen anything so beautiful

She knew it was naksh who had done this

She could feel his overwhelming presence.

Finally your here she heard a voice say

Kirti : naksh is that you , where are you ?

He walks out towards her he gets down on his knees

Her eyes began to fill with tears as she knew what was coming her way

He took a box out and opened it and with full passion of love he expressed:

I don't know where to begin with you kirti , there is sooo much that i can say about you because you have a unique personality. I truly admit that before we got married i didnt love you and i was marrying you for nairas sake , but believe me your enchanting character pulled me more closer to you and i fell in love with you, your presence and existence matters to me and you are everything for me , every single quality about you i adore . i am so lucky that i have recieved you as my partner. You are a treasure that i will always cherish and you deserve all the happiness in the world.  The care , affection and warmth that you give me is immensable i dont know what i would do without you .Please believe me kirti i do love you and i love you with all my heart. It was my fault that i hurt you but i will never ever do it again. Im sorry for hurting you with my words when i told karthik that you are free to go and i will not stop you but i said that as a part of my plan. Im sorry . i love you kirti and i cant live without you. He held out the ring to her and said do you forgive me my beloved ?

They both looked at each other with immense love

Kirti' s heart was melting nobody had made her feel so special before. Every word he had said struck her heart with love . she was so glad that he felt so much for her and she was extremely happy. Then kirti thought of an idea she thought in her mind naksh you made all this plan and troubled me by thinking that you were gonna let me go and me thinking that you dont even care about me so i should also have a turn to tease you , although i have troubled you enough already. I love you naksh and i have forgiven you but im sorry  you will have to wait a bit more longer for me .

Naksh was still waiting for his answer

Naksh : so kirti what have you thought

Kirti: naksh im sorry i dont wanna talk right now im very tired and i have to think about this properly and so do you. Naksh i dont want to put you through any pressure you dont have to do all of this because you feel bad for me . naksh i need to think calmly and so do you . i dont want any more lives ruined because of me so please.

She said all of this with a very heavy heart and then she turned around and smirked saying  im sorry naksh but dont worry this will only be for a little while and then we will be together

She got her luggage and went to her room and got changed and slept in her bed

Naksh lied down on the couch in the living room and said in his mind : dont worry kirti , i am naksh i will not give up until you forgive me and accept me.

Thinking this he slept

Next chapter preview- naksh and kirti back together forever


Sorry guys i know you must be thinking that its dragging but their patch up is going to be in the next chapter definitely. I just came up with this idea and thought that it would be cute. I hoped you liked it. And there will be more keesh scenes soon. Thanks will upload next epi ASAP.

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