Chapter 13- kirti tells karthik her problem

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Chapter begins:

Naksh is sleeping and he turns over and reaches his hand out for kirti who should be sleeping beside him but he doesnt feel her which then leads naksh to wake up.

Naksh wakes up and doesnt see kirti and wonders where she is.

He gets up and then sees her sleeping on the couch.

He goes towards her slowly trying not to wake her up.

He slowly puts his hands on her shoulder and says kirti, kirti wake up.

Naksh notices some tears streaks on kirtis face.

Nakshs thoughts:

What happened to kirti? Was she crying last night? Why does she have tear streaks ? What is she so distressed about?

Naksh then comes out of his thoughts and kisses kirtis forehead and she wakes up.

Naksh: kirti what happened, why did you sleep on the couch?

Kirtis thought:

Naksh i really want to tell you but i dont have the guts , i dont want to tell you that i have disapointed you.

Naksh holds kirtis shoulders

Naksh: kirti what happened?

Kirti hugs naksh and says its just that i couldnt sleep last night.

Naksh: oh you should have woken me up.

Kirti: why should i disturb you?

Naksh : anyways one more question

Kirti: what naksh?

Naksh: why do you have tear streaks going down your face?

Kirti looks in the mirror and says in her mind oh no i was crying in my sleep.

Kirti: erm naksh, it happens sometimes when im distressed.

Naksh: what are you distressed about?

Kirti hugs naksh and says i dont know, but dont worry naksh maybeit was because i couldnt sleep and i missing my mum as well thats why tears probarly came out.

Naksh: oh okk dont worry im here with you he kisses her forehead.

Kirti: Come lets get ready otherwise you will get late for work.

Naksh and kirti come downstairs and everyone has breakfast together.

As everyone finishes and are getting up.

Karthik ,manish and dadi come.

Kirti runs and gives dadi manish and karthik a hug.

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