Chapter 17 - Keesh are adorable😆

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Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for all your lovely comments on my last chapter.

The Chapter begins:

The morning begins with the two lovebirds sleeping in each others arms cuddling each other. When Kirti wakes up she looks at Naksh and smiles , she kisses his cheek and says thank you Naksh for making me feel so loved. Naksh in his sleep says: No problem and thank you too. Hu hugs her.

All of a sudden Kirti hears the pooja going on. She gets up and looks at the clock she sees that it is 9 am.

Kirti: Omg Naksh its so late we are missing the pooja.

Naksh gets up: What?

Hes sees the clock.

Kirti: We have to quickly get ready, everyone will be waiting for us we are already late.

Naksh: You use our bathroom and get ready i will go in the guest room one.

Kirti: Okay , be quick Naksh.

They go to get ready.

Kirti gets ready and goes downstairs and joins the pooja.

She starts praying alongside everyone.

In the meanwhile Naksh is coming down the stairs when his eyes fall on Kirti who is innocently praying.

His thought:

Kirti you are sooo adorable everytime i see you i fall in love with you again and again.

He admires her praying

Bol do na zara plays.

He goes down and stands next to her, he puts his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him.

She gets shocked.

She signs no to Naksh and signs Naksh to pray and points to God. Naksh realises and holds his ears and says sorry God and holds his hands out and closes his eyes to pray.

Kirti smiles at his cute gestures.

The pooja finishes.

Nathik: Kids where were you?Normally you don't wake up this late?

Kirti looks down and blushes remembering last night.

Kirti: I will set up the breakfast table.

Naksh: Actually papa i had a lot of work to do last night so i slept late last night.

Nathik: Okay lets go eat.

At breakfast keesh kept stealing glances of each other and kept smiling.

Naksh: Kirti shall i drop you off to the boutique.

Kirti: No naksh i have a bit of work to do, its okay you go office i will go myself.

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