Chapter 11-kirtis first day at boutique

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Hey guys , here's the next chapter, i hope you enjoy it

The chapter begins:

Kirti comes out of the washroom with her hair dripping with water she looks up towards the bed and sees naksh still sleeping.

Kirti goes towards naksh and sits on the bed  and she takes her hand and strokes it down his face and says naksh wake up

Naksh turns to the opposite side and says let me sleep.

Kirti then gets her hair and and stokes it down his face and tells him to wake up.

Naksh still doesnt wake up.

Kirti: fine then im going to the boutique for the first time and you dont even care she makes an angry face and gets up to go when.......

Naksh grabs her hand

The song bol do na zara plays

He pulls her and she falls on top of him.

He wraps his arms around her and brings her face closer and kisses her forhead.

Naksh: i do care for you and you cant go without me

Kirti: then why didnt you wake up when i told you to

Naksh: because i like it when you wake me up

Kirti smiles and says alright come on get up otherwise i will get late and so will you

Naksh: yes my dear and he lets go of her and gets up .

Kirti goes down to prepare breakfast and naksh gets ready.

Kirti is serving everyone for breakfast

Bhabhima: kirti beta where is Naksh

Kirti: naksh is getting ready

Devyanni: today is your first day at boutique , everything will be fine and you will do so good

Kirti: thank you i hope i can meet all of your hopes

Naksh then comes and says of course you will ,we all will support you and afterall you are capable of anything

Kirti: thank you naksh and everyone for your support

Kirti: alright lets have breakfast

They all have breakfast together and its time for naksh and kirti to leave

Kirti to bhabhima: dont forget to have your medicine on time i have left it on the table for you and

Devyanni: thats it kirti , relax we will do everything dont worry about us you focus on your work

Kirti: ok

Naksh just smiles seeing kirti like this

His thought: aww kirti is so cute and she cares for everyone so much . she is such a good person. He was indulged in his thoughts when kirti comes to him and says

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