Chapter 10 - KEESH

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Hey guys im so sorry for not updating. I hope you like the chapter. Sorry for making you wait.


The chapter begins:

Kirti wakes up and she doesn't see naksh next to her.

She then gets up and sees naksh rummaging through the wardrobe.

She starts to laugh seeing him( you will understand why when you read on)

Kirti: naksh whats wrong what are you looking for

Naksh: actually kirti i had a phone call today i have an important meeting and im trying to look for the file

Kirti: oh you should have woken me up

Naksh: i didnt want to distrub you my beauty queen

Kirti laughs at what he says and she goes to  the draw gets a file and gives it to him , naksh your so unorganized

Naksh: thank you so much what would i do without you

Kirti :  i too dont know what you would do without me she says laughingly

Naksh: ok im sorry i cant have breakfast with you i will make it up to you i have to go quickly.

Kirti: it alright naksh , make sure you eat once you get there, good luck for your meeting.

Naksh kisses her forhead and is about to leave when kirti says

Wait naksh

Naksh: yes kirti tell me quickly i have go

Kirti: naksh you are crazy are you going to go to the meeting looking like that

Naksh looks at her confused and says what do you mean

Kirti starts to laugh

Kirti: naksh you have become so forgetful, look you aren't even wearing your trousers are you going to go to the meeting in your boxers she says laughingly 😂😂😂

Naksh looks down and says omg i forgot to wear them he looks at kirti all embarassed 🙊🙊

Naksh: actually i ...

Kirti hugs him and says it ok it happens sometimes go and quickly wear them before you get late.

They both laugh and he goes to get changed.

Afternoon time:

Kirti phones naksh

Their conversation:

Kirti: hello naksh , are u alright? How was your meeting?

Naksh : im alright, my meeting went good , im missing you a lot

Kirti: really , im missing you too, did you eat anything?

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