Chapter 5 - Back together forever

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The sun rose for a tranquil day ahead for naksh and kirti.

Kirti had woken up and was busy getting ready and she wore this:

Kirti had woken up and was busy getting ready and she wore this:

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She said i love you naksh and came out of her room.

She looked at the couch and saw that naksh was not there.

Then she walked towards the kitchen as she heard some rustling.

As she entered the kitchen she saw naksh cutting some vegtables .

Kirti : what are you doing naksh? Why are you cooking?

Naksh was busy chopping the vegetables but when he heard her voice he looked up and saw her dressed so beautiful.

He was dumbstruck

He was so lost in her she had realised that naksh was lost in her and she turned a shade of pink seeing her effect on him. As he was still cutting the vegetables whilst gazing at her he accidently cut himself and screamed which awakened him and her to the reality.

She rushed to him and said : naksh omg what have you done to yourself. Where is your attention?

Naksh: it was on you he said still gazing at her

Kirti: come on let me do the first aid

Naksh: no why should i ? Why are you showing so much concern for me ? He said jerking her hand away. You havent even forgiven me so why should i let you care for me he said turning around facing the other way. You dont care whether i live or die?

Kirti eyes were swelled with tears she went and hugged him from behind

She said :

No naksh this is not true . i love you and i love you a lot. I do care whether you live or not you are my life. I have forgiven you already last night its just that i wanted to tease you a  bit she said cryingly

Naksh was so happy he said turning around facing her: wait what did u just say

Kirti : what do u mean i just said what you heard

Naksh: no i wanna listen to it again say those words again

Kirti goes pink as she knew what words he was talking about

What words kirti says

Naksh the 3 words

She looked down blushing naksh actually ermm i love you

Naksh: aww so cute omg it killed me that was beautiful kirti i love you too

Kirti was still looking down blushing

Naksh: hang on a minute

Kirti : naksh what happened now

Naksh : you said that you forgave me last night itself and you wanted to tease me is that right?

Kirti: yes actually naksh i wanted to take revenge because u also troubled me by saying that you agree to my decision so why not i should also tease you .

Naksh : oh really! You have to take revenge he said moving towards her

She looks down and says : yes why not if you can trouble me then

Naksh : oh is that the case then .

Maybe i should take revenge for you making me wait then. He said moving

closer to her

Their eyes met each others expressing their love for each other and he moved closer and closer till she hit her back to the wall

Kirti : breaking the eyelock and looking down a little bit nervous not knowing what to expect next

Erm naksh let me go we have to eat breakfast and then

Naksh : and then

Kirti : and then go out and you know

Naksh : i know but before that i want to

Kirti : want to , what naksh? She said nervously

Naksh : give you this ring that you didnt take last night

Kirti : oh that. Yes of course

He takes out the ring and places it on her finger

Naksh : of course that . what were you thinking he said 😂

Kirti : erm nothing

Naksh: if you want then ...

Kirti: 🙈 no naksh come on lets have breakfast she says pushing him away and she goes back and starts cooking

Naksh crushes his hair and says aww ur sooo cute kirti

Whilst eating there breakfast naira phones naksh she says bhai did you convince bhabhi he says yes now we are back together , forever says kirti and naksh says yes forever and naira says aww so cute you guys are .naira then gives the phone to the rest of the family memebers .Kirti and naksh then talk to the other family members and finish their breakfast.

Naksh : kirti come lets go out and explore the U.S so we can spend some time with each other because then we will have to go back soon.

Kirti : of course

They get ready and leave to do some shopping and sight seeing.

Naksh holds kirtis hand whilst walking.

Kirti : naksh what are you doing we are in public

Naksh : so im not doing anything wrong im just holding your hand, your my wife

Kirti : awww your so cute naksh

Naksh laughs at her cute response

They carry on doing there cute shopping and spending quality time together not leaving each others hand for a second and their deep love was visible to everyone.

Next chapter preview- whilst Keesh are roaming, kirti feels a strange presence. Who is it ?????😱

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