Chapter 15 - Father's are superheroes

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Hey guys , sorry I've been taking long to upload i have been really busy with the holidays.

The Chapter begins:

After the party naksh goes to his room and sleeps on his side of the bed. Kirti enters the room and sees Naksh and gets teary eyed.

She goes to the washroom to change into her pajamas and she sleeps on the other side.

They both are lying separately facing the other side. Kirti has tears in her eyes and is missing Naksh. Naksh is also awake and can't sleep without hugging kirti. They both turn over to face each other, their eyes meet each others and they share a very painful eyelock.

Kal ho na ho instrumental play.

Kirti reaches her hand out towards Naksh, but Naksh turns around to the other side. Kirti starts crying and get up and leaves the room.

Naksh thought:

Kirti, you don't understand how much it hurts me being like this but it also hurts me as much as the fact that you didn't trust me and you didn't tell me. We shouldn't keep secrets from each other. You should have come to me and told me.

Kirti sits downstairs on the sofa crying.

Kirti's thought:

Naksh I'm really sorry. I can't take this anger of yours. I know i deserve this. I'm sorry naksh.

Kirti falls asleep crying.


The sun rays fall on naksh and disturbs him, he turns around to cuddle kirti but he doesn't feel her. He wakes up and remembers last night. He walks out of his room and has a look downstairs from the staircase to see kirti. He looks for her and doesn't see her then he notices her praying to God in the temple. Naksh looks at her in awe , he then goes to his room to get ready. When he gets ready and goes downstairs, he sees the table filled with breakfast already. He sits down and doesn't see kirti. He looks around.

Nathik notices him.

Nathik: kirti has gone to Goenka house . She will be back soon.

Naksh gets angry and gets up and goes to his room.

Goenka house:

Kirti is sitting outside and drinking tea when manish comes and sits besides her.

Manish: kirti beta , is everything alright between you and naksh.

Kirti starts crying and says no papa he is really angry and i don't know what to do i can't take his anger.

Manish takes his hand and strokes kirtis head and says: beta , look naksh is bound to be angry as you didn't share this matter with him. You have to make this relationship work and you have to put the effort in to convince naksh as it was your mistake. You have to be strong and you have to deal with this yourself , we can only explain to you and give you advice but kirti you have to do it all yourself. If you ever need help I'll always be here for you.

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