Chapter 6 - Romance alongside tension

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Kirti and naksh were enjoying their time together out in the U.S. They were so in love with each other and were both happy that everything was now fine between them.

Naksh : kirti are you hungry? Shall we go to a cafe?

Kirti : yes i am hungry and you must be hungry too lets go.

They both head their way to the cafe and sit down and give their order.

Kirti gets a sudden anxious feeling and her hand which is on the table starts to shake

Naksh notices this and places his hand on her hand and says kirti are you alright.

Kirti : erm yes naksh im fine

Naksh still held her hand tightly

Kirtis thought : this is the feeling that i get everytime i see him or he comes to me. Is he here? No aditya cant be here maybe im just thinking to much. Naksh is here with you nothhing will happen.

Naksh waves his hand in front of kirti

Naksh : hello Kirti are you there ?

Kirti comes out of her thoughts yes naksh what are you doing?

Naksh : where were you lost ?

Kirti : oh nowhere

Kirti 's hot chocolate arrived and naksh's milkshake arrived

Whilst naksh was having it a milkshake moustache appeared on his face

Kirti looked at him and laughed

Kirti : Naksh cant you even drink properly your such a baby she said whilst wiping his mouth with a tissue

Naksh : erm excuse me madam im not a baby ok anyways i like it when you take care of me like this

Kirti : oh so you drank like that on purpose

Naksh : yes

Kirti : your impossible naksh

She laughs and they pay and leave

Whilst they were heading to the car kirti gets that strange feeling again and she looks back and sees nobody there she again thinks whether it is aditya. She feels as if someone is shadowing over her but she sees naksh next to her and ignores her peculiar feelings.

They enter the car and reach the apartment after a long day.

Kirti is in the washroom getting changed into her nightdress

Naksh was getting ready for bed when he came up with an idea he went and put music on .

Kirti came out and heard the music and said naksh what are you doing ?

He went down on his knees and says mrs kirti naksh singhania would you like to have a dance with me?

Kirti blushes on hearing her name joined with his

Kirti : ermmmmmmm let me think about it

Naksh : omg kirti you think sooo much , by the time you think my knee will collapse

Kirti : oh sorry of course i will

They laugh

They both dance together and feel the warmth presence of each other .

Kirti felt so secure in his arms and naksh was so glad that he now had true love. They were so engrossed in each other that when naksh spinned kirti she slipped and fell onto the bed and naksh fell on top of her 🙊 they both laughed at each other and whilst laughing they both had an eyelock and the music was still playing

Kirtis hair was in the way and naksh took it and put it behind her ear gently not breaking the eyelock.

Their heart was beating so fast.

Naksh moved closer to her and was about to


Kirti tickled him and he rolled over and she was still tickling him , he was laughing so much and said kirti please stop leave me  she bursted out laughing on seeing him pleading so much and said hahah naksh im sorry your soo funny

She left him

He says what kirti you ruined such a good moment 😆

She says im sorry naksh but i just couldnt resist tickling you 😂

Naksh: like seriously , now its your turn he said moving towards her

She said no naksh no please and she ran to the bathroom and locked the door and laughed saying hahah.

Naksh : kirti this is not fair this is cheating

Kirti : how its not my fault that i could escape

Naksh : anyways how long will you stay in the bathroom for , you will have to return to me in the end he said laughingly didnt you think about that mrs kirtiji

Kirti : oh no kirti your so stupid didnt you think that you cant spend the whole night in the bathroom she said

Naksh : kirti its okk you can come out i wont tickle you im going to sleep im tired he says and lies down in the bed

Kirti slowly opens the bathroom door and comes out and sees him lying in the bed

She goes to the bed and lies next to him he was facing the other way and she hugs him and says i love you naksh , thank you for making me feel so loved

He hugged her back and says i love you too my dear and they both slept hugging each other.

Next chapter preview - He cant find her beloved , how will he find her by himself in the U.S

I hope you like it guys

So this was the last update until i come back from my trip thanks for understanding me guys thank you

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