Chapter 8 - Starting afresh

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Thank you all so much for the immense love that you are giving to this fan fiction . Every comment that you give literally makes my day. Thank you for reading this fan fiction.

Chapter 8 begins:

Naksh and kirti reached the apartment and kirti was quiet throughout the whole journey in the car which hurt naksh a lot because seeeing kirti in so much pain was a lot for him to take in , but he had to be strong and bring his kirti back and he knew that what she had been through was not easy so he had to be there for her.

Naksh had cooked dinner for them.

Naksh: kirti come on lets eat

Kirti: no naksh you eat im not that hungry , i just feel sleepy

Naksh : no kirti you need to eat

Kirti : but naksh

Naksh grabs her hand and makes her sit

Naksh: please for me he said with slight tears in his eyes

Kirti looked at him and they both had an eyelock which reflected their intense love and pain.

Kirti saw the tears in his eyes and she also got teary eyed.

Naksh broke the eyelock and then he fed her and she fed him.

Naksh was happy that she fed him, but she was still very quiet.

They both then went to sleep.

During the night kirti woke up with a sudden jerk and screamed using adityas name, naksh immediately woke up and hugged her seeing her sweating and crying.

Naksh: Shhh kirti , its alright im here with you he said hugging her.

Kirti : naksh what if he comes and he does something then

Naksh: no kirti he wont im here with you and i will never let anything happen to you

Kirti hugged him back and naksh made her lie down and he stroked her forhead until she fell asleep .

Naksh thought:

I have to do something about this . she cant stay in this pain . he thought of an idea and then went to sleep holding kirtis hand and not letting go of her.


Kirti woke up and saw that naksh was not beside her. She thought that he was probarly in the kitchen. She got up and opened the curtains and when she opened them flower petals fell on her she was suprised.

She then looked at her mirror and saw that it was written i love you so much with her with her lipstick she blushed slightly whilst reading it and she knew that naksh was doing all of this to make her feel better.

Suddenly she heard music playing and rushed to the living room.

She was shocked at what she saw .

She saw naksh dancing with the mop

He was dancing like it was a girl and he was singing as well and he was also shirtless🙊🙊. She laughed seeing him in this state.

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