Chapter 12- Oh no what has Kirti done

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The chapter begins:

Hey guys the next chapter is here after a long time im sorry for taking a lot of time. I hope tou enjoy it please leave comments. Thank you.

Chapter begins:

Everyone is having breakfast together

Naksh brings some sweets and distributes it to everyone on the table and everyone look at him

Bhabhima: what occasion is happening that you are distributing these sweets

Naksh:the matter is such , actually my wife has got her first order so this is to celebrate

Kirti smiles and blushes hearing him say that

Everyone: aww congratulations kirti we hope you gain a lot of success and do well

Kirti: thank you and thank you naksh for always suporting me

Naksh smiles at her

They all eat breakfast together laughing and enjoying themselves

They all finish eating and kirti and naksh head their way to work together

Naksh drops Kirti off to the boutique and goes to his work.

They were both busy with their work.

Naksh finishes his work early and thinks to go and suprise kirti and help her out at the boutique.

Naksh is on his way but stops the car at a florist shop and gets kirti a bouquet of roses.

He then reaches the boutique

He enters the boutique and goes to kirtis office.

He sees that kirti is standing up and is busy working and her back is facing naksh .

Naksh slowly opens her office door and enters and quietly makes his way to kirti .

He reaches her and he puts his arms around her waist .

Kirti gets shocked but then she realises its naksh and she says naksh what are you doing here?

Naksh: how did you know it was me

Kirti: because i could feel your warmth presence

Naksh:aww your so cute he says placing a kiss on her cheek

Kirti: naksh what are you doing ?this is a boutique someone will see

Naksh: so im only with my wife

Kirti: anyways tell me how come you came here

Naksh: actually i finished my work early and i thought that maybe i should come and help you and spend time with each other because we have been so busy

Kirit: naksh your so sweet she says pulling his cheeks.

They both have an eyelock and bol do na zara plays

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