Chapter 18 - Let's go Venice😆😃☺

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Hey guys sorry i took long in writing this chapter i had a writer's block for this chapter but i have a couple of storylines sorted for the next couple of chapters its just im really busy during this time of year so please excuse me if i take long in uploading. Im sorry.

The Chapter begins at the breakfast table:

Everyone are having their breakfast but we all see Naksh who is having his breakfast extremely fast.

Everyone looks at him and laughs.

Nathik: Naksh beta, eat slowly the investors are not going to run away.

Kirti: Papa, that's what he thinks. Today he woke up so early and was going to leave for Krishna, if i didn't stop him and tell him he doesn't need to go so early then he would have been sitting there waiting for them.

Eveyone laughs.

Naksh: What Kirti, this deal is so important for me.

Nathik: Look beta, there is no need for you to be nervous, if you put your heart and mind into your work you will surely get good outcomes. You should have faith in yourself.

Kirti: yes naksh, we all have faith in you, you will be fine.

Naksh: Thank you everyone , im going to go now. Bye.

Everyone: Good luck.

Naksh goes and Kirti goes after him.

Kirti: Naksh.

Naksh stops and turns towards kirti

Naksh: What happened Kirti?

Kirti hugs him.

Kirti: All the best Naksh , I'm sure you will do amazing.

She kisses his cheek.

Kirti: I will miss you.

Naksh smiles and kisses her cheek as well.

Naksh: i will miss you too. Take care.


They both wave to each other.

Naksh reaches his office and he conducts his meeting.

Investors: Im really sorry Mr Singhania.

Naksh has a worried and disappointed face.

Investors: But you need to hurry up and book you tickets to Venice and reach their quickly to set up Krishna.

Naksh gets happy.

Naksh: Thank you all so much.

Naksh´s thought:

Thank you so much God. All thanks to my family that supported me.

Naksh leaves for home and buys some sweets for everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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