Chapter 16 - It's Time 😉😱😄😊😍😀

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Chapter begins:

Their blissful morning arrives , Naksh comes out of the washroom all decked up to go to work, when he notices his beautiful wife still laying in bed so peacefully. He adores her for a bit of time and then realises the time.

Naksh goes towards kirti

Naksh: Kirti, wake up.

Kirti: Please naksh , 5 more minutes.

Naksh : Aww kirti your so cute, but come on your gonna get late.

Kirti doesn't respond and carries on sleeping.

Naksh comes up with an idea.

He slowly takes the blanket off kirti and picks her up in his arms.

Kirti wakes up.

Kirti: Naksh what are you doing? Put me down.

Naksh: No, not until you give me a kiss he says signing towards his cheek.

Kirti blushes.

Kirti: No Naksh, how childish. Let me go.

Naksh: No , no , no.

Kirti kisses Naksh's cheek , Naksh smiles and puts her down.

Naksh: Thank you my dear wife!

Kirti laughs.

Naksh: Now my turn. Naksh says with a cunning smile.

Kirti: No Naksh!

Naksh moves closer to her he grabs her arm and pulls her closer.

He kisses her cheek

Bol do na zara plays.

He kisses her other cheek

Kirti: naksh thats enough we are getting late.

Naksh: wait let me just...

Kirti: No Naksh she says and runs to the bathroom.

Naksh runs to the door and says

Naksh: Why kirti why? Always ruining my romantic moments.

Kirti: Sorry naksh but i need to get ready. She laughs.

Naksh: Now you decide to get ready, earlier you were saying 5 more minutes , now whats the hurry to get ready . Anyways don't worry i will avenge for this. You watch .

Kirti: As you say mr singhania.

The scene shifts to downstairs where eveyone is seated to have breakfast

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