Chapter 7 - kirti is kidnapped

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Hey guys im so sorry for taking so long there was no internet connection where i was so sorry . please bear with this chapter. I hope you like it.

Morning arrived whilst the prince and princess were sleeping embraced in each others arms engaged in their capturing sleep ,feeling each others comfort. When the princess was disturbed by the sun rays and as she awakened she saw her beloved naksh sleeping besides her and gave him a kiss on his forehead, whilst naksh was in his deep sleep he felt her sweet gesture and a smile crept onto his face. Kirti immediately saw this amd said awwww sooo cute naksh. Hearing her say this he woke up and sat up facing herand said kirti dont say that you say it so sweetly that it makes me fall in love with you again and again.

She goes really he says hmm

She says awww so cute and then he grabs her by the waist and she says naksh what are you doing leave me

He says this is what will happen if you keep saying it which is why i told you not to say it.

She puts her arms around his neck and says i love you naksh and kisses his forehead he gets suprised and says wow someone is in a romantic mood.

He was getting closer when she pushes him and says thats enough for today and rushes to the washroom.

They both have breakfast and decide to go out in the U.S and explore.

Both were extremley delightful in each others companies and they were so passionate about each other they held hands together never to be seperated but admist all of this kirti still had that strange feeling, it felt like someone was watching her and shadowing her she would start to get anxious but seeing naksh besides her she felt secure but the strange feeling was still inside her.

Naksh and kirti stopped to get some ice cream naksh had realised he left his wallet in the car and rushed to get it from his car which was a little bit further away,

kirti: its okk naksh you go get it i will wait by the icecream vendor

Naksh : are u sure you will be fine

Kirti yh you go quickly

Naksh then said ok and went to get it .

Whilst kirti was waiting a man came up to her from behind and grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her.

She screamed at the sudden pull and she carries on screaming she turned and looked at the person and saw aditya dragging her she began to shake and sweat seeing him she screamed loudly naksh help save me

Naksh turned and saw her being pulled but couldnt see the person he was shocked he ran so fast towards her forgetting about everything else.

He rushed to her and was very close to getting her but a van came in front of kirti and aditya dragged her inside and they went off.

Naksh was already crying and his heart became heavy ,he ran back to his car and as fast as he could drove it following that van all he could think of was his beloved kirti and how if anything happened to her he wouldnt be able to survive.

Here kirti was scared she was sweating and very anxious and sll she could think about was her naksh if he was alright and if he would be able to find her.

Kirti was tied to a chair .

Kirti: aditya leave me alone . whats your problem we are seperated now

Aditya: so what i still wanna torture you so i will

Kirti: no please aditya

Aditya moves closer to her kirti starts to shake and he goes more and more closer to her and goes close to her face.

Kirti : aditya what are you doing leave me alone she protested

Aditya : i will do whatever i want do you get that he said pulling her hair slighty, kirti screamed in pain

He put his hand on her cheek and went more closer he looked at her lips and was about to ...


Aditya fell to the ground kirti looked up and saw naksh she was glad she was about to say his name but she fell unconscious. Naksh had called the police and they were taking aditya back to india to take him to that jail

Naksh whilst crying rushed to her and picked her up and took her to the car to the hospital.

Naksh thought:

How dare this aditya do this to my kirti? I will no leave. Kirti has already gone through so much and she ws getting over her past but now she is faced with it again.

I dont know what will happen to kirti but i will be by her side forever and support her.

Naksh reached the hospital and the doctor took her in for check up.

Whilst they were checking her naksh phoned his family and told them what had happened.

The doctor called naksh so he could talk to him

Doctor: actually there is a bit of an issue.

Naksh worriedly: what happened is it anything serious

Doctor: whatever has happened with her in her past she has become affected by it and is in a bit of a shock and she is very terrified so you have to take extra care of her and help her come out of this shock and move on.

Naksh was shocked and the doctor said you can now meet her

Naksh went to her room and saw her lying down he went to her and kissed her on her forehead and said

kirti are you alirght

Kirti: hmm

Naksh: dont worry im with you and he has gone to jail now forever

Kirti just nodded and tears were in her eyes she could just remember adityas tortures and him about to kiss her when he kidnapped her.

Naksh also gained tears in his eyes and said kirti i cant see you like this , i need my kirti back he said looking at her and then he hugged her and said come on lets go back to our apartment.

I hope you enjoyed it and it wasnt boring

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