The U.A. Tournament (part one of three)

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I wrote the whole U.A. Tournament part and decided to split it, it ended up being three parts, so enjoy I guess.

Izuku's PoV:
As everyone is shocked by the group standing outside the classroom, I just glare at the people standing just outside our door. I'm tempted to use my quirk to get them out of the way and back to where they're supposed to be, but only tempted. I see Bakugou go in front of the large group and everyone in the room mentally face-palms as he starts talking to them. I just glare at everyone and I notice Bakugou look at me from the corner of his eye, partially expecting me to snap as my eyes narrow more at him. He starts to walk through the crowd as the rest of the class yells at him for angering the other classes. I know he would have said more if it weren't for me glaring at him. He's grown smart, he knows not to piss me off, and he sure as hell knows not to let me get close enough to touch him, too bad I don't need to touch him to activate my quirk. That's the difference between me and many other people with control quirks, they usually have to touch someone or get them to answer a question like Uraraka and Shinso. Whereas I technically don't need to move a single muscle, I just do it to make sure it's aimed correctly that's the only difference. If I so wish, I can make everyone and everything in a building do what I want by letting my quirk off like a shock wave or blast, without the ability to knock things over, unless I so wish them to be knocked over.

I grit my teeth and walk through the crowd, a boy with purple hair catching my interest. I smirk as he stares at me. I turn my attention to Bakugou.

"BAKUGOU!" I yell and see him flinch. "STOP MAKING A GOD DAMN RUCKUS WHENEVER YOU WANT!!" Everyone watches as he seems to cower as I walk past him pressing himself close to the walls while I walk down the center of the hall. He thinks I'm going to take control of him, even though I haven't controlled him in a long time. I grit my teeth as I see my old friend's reaction. Everyone is amazed with how he acts when it comes to me, but honestly, if they had experienced the side of me he did, they would all be scared, even Todoroki, who doesn't seem to care for anything. I sometimes catch him looking at me, as if trying to figure me out. I don't want to be someones pet project just so they can figure out why I am the way I am. I start to get more pissed as I think of how everyone looks at me. Like I'm the most unapproachable person, I only seem that way because Bakugou, the idiot who never shuts up, shuts up around me and actually COWERS. I go to ask permission to use one of the training areas and when I get permission I head straight over there.

As a robot comes out, I use my quirk to enhance the strength in my legs and launch myself into the air, landing on top of a building. I wave my hand and take control of the wires inside the robot, snapping them and crashing it's 'eye'. I look to see the giant 0-pointer. I wave my hand and manipulate it so it starts to smash itself to pieces before I destroy several vital wires and it finally collapses. I grab my backpack as I finish and go home. I've been training my quirk, but not with strong enough enemies for me to improve it any. I grit my teeth as I feel eyes on me. I look behind me to see someone watching me from a window of the school. I turned back in the direction of home and continued walking,uninterested. I'll learn who it is eventually anyways, so there's no point to using my quirk to see who they are.

~Time skip of awesomeness~

I look at Midnight, not caring about her outfit as she explains things. She then calls me up as the one who got the highest score in the entrance exams. I step up to the mic and look out at the crowd, then back at the other students behind me.

"I'm gonna win, there's no debating that, I only hope someone among you gives me an actual fight." As I get off the stage, I feel all eyes on me as everyone is boo-ing or yelling at me furiously. I just look straight ahead, not caring as I step into the crowd of students and stop in the middle of them. I grit my teeth as I glare at people. The only ones not angry are Bakugou, who's scared of me and knows my strength, and Todoroki, the ever-stoic one in the class. I look back at Midnight as she starts talking. She announces the first part is an obstacle race.

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