Return to school

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Midoriya's PoV (not surprising. Just assume that from now on if I don't say otherwise (at the beginning of the chapter, although if there's an A/N at the beginning I'll say it's his PoV), it's his PoV):
As I stand up, I feel one of my knees buckle and I grab the wall to keep myself from falling. Once it passes, I walk to my bed and sit down again. I sigh. I look at Todoroki and see he still has his hand up. Has he just not noticed it's there? I place my forehead against it as I can feel that I'm too warm. I close my eyes as I sigh in content at his hand cooling me down. I peek up at his face to see him blushing slightly. I smirk to myself and then look at the three adults in the room. They nod at the three of us and leave the room so we can be on our own. I smile and take my head away from Todoroki's hand. I look at him and he's just staring at me. I tilt my head at him.

"What?" I ask in a way that makes me seem like I don't know what he's thinking. He blushes more and coughs as he moves back over to his bed. Iida is slightly amused by this, as he's smiling at us. I look at Iida with a faked look of confusion and shrug as I shake my head and he chuckles. I smile internally at this, glad I made someone smile.

After Iida got his results back, he went home with his family. Todoroki decided to go back to his internship with his father and I stayed. Not needing to, but I doubted Gran Torino wanted me bugging him right now. I'll wait until I'm actually fully healed of what injuries I do have before I go back.

~Le time skip to when they get back to school~

I look up at the school and walk into the building. I walk to my class and I take my seat. Surprisingly, I'm the first one here. I look at my clasped hands on my desk. I unclasp them and put them palm-up on the desk. I look at my palms as I space out. Out of the corner of my eye, I see people walk in but pay no attention to them. I close my hands into fists until a hand reaches over and grabs my hand. It's cold. I look up to see Todoroki smiling at me. I don't return the smile as I look down at his hand laying on top of mine. I open my hand and he grabs my hand. I place my head down on top of his hand, his hand cooling me down. It's the hand on his icy side. I sigh as I close my eyes gently, not falling asleep, just enjoying the cold.

3rd person PoV:
As more students walk in, they're shocked to see Midoriya and Todoroki sitting together, Todoroki in Bakugou's seat. Bakugou doesn't care as he goes and sits in Todoroki's seat. Todoroki just stays where he is since Midoriya hasn't lifted his head yet. Once Aizawa opens the door, everyone sits facing the front of the class. Bakugou and Todoroki are still in each-others seats, but Aizawa doesn't seem to care about that. He raises a brow at it, but that's it. As he starts class, all the students listen to him.

~time skip to lunch~

Izuku sits under a tree alone as he reads a book. He looks at the sky for a moment before looking at where the other students who are outside are. He watches as they play, study or fight each other. He sighs and looks back down at his book. He doesn't continue reading, he just gets lost in his thoughts. He closes the book and places it back in his bag when he hears the bell. By the time he starts towards the door, everyone is already back inside, rushing to grab their stuff and get to class. He calmly walks inside and goes to his class. He sits in his seat and looks out the window. Todoroki sits in front of him again, but doesn't do anything this time, just stays there. He looks at Midoriya, who is staring out the window without a care. Todoroki blushes as he examines Midoriya's face. The boy in question looks at him out of the corner of his eye. As soon as class starts, both boys face the front.

~time skip to end of day~

Midoriya grabs his stuff, but doesn't immediately move out of his seat. He stares out the window for a while before standing up, slinging his backpack onto his shoulder. As he was leaving the school, All Might catches his attention. He looks to the man in question. He's in his bulky form, as the rest of the students don't know about his deflated form. Midoriya walks over to him.

"Yes, All Might?" He asks, tilting his head.

"I just wanted to talk to you a moment. Come with me," he says and when the boy nod All Might leads him to a room and they sit across from eachother. He then explains One for All and tells the boy about All for One.

"Why do you suddenly bring this up?"

"Because I think he's back, and I feel that if I'm unable to beat him, you'll be able to with your strong quirk with the addition of One for All."

"Does this mean you'll actually let me help in battle, or am I still being forced to the sidelines?" Midoriya asks, but not loud enough to hear him.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," All Might says, leaning forward a bit.

"It's nothing, just talking to myself," Midoriya says, looking out the window. All Might nods, choosing not to bug him on the subject. He looks out the window too and they just sit there peacefully for a few minutes. Izuku soon gets bored and grabs his bag and stands up. "I'll see you tomorrow," he says and walks out as he slings the bag on his shoulder. He walks through the hall, and leaves the school. He looks at the sky and sighs. He walks home, not running into any trouble.

Izuku's PoV:
The next day, I get ready to go to school and as I'm leaving I feels an odd presence. I look around, but don't see anyone. I narrow my eyes and use my quirk to search. I can tell someone's there, but the only thing I find strange is a small robotic bug. I glare at where it is, no doubt something used for spying. I use my quirk to break it and then grab it, throwing it away on my way to school. As soon as I arrive, I feel the odd presence again. I grit my teeth, getting irritated and my body tenses as I look around. I can see students and staff, but other than that, there's no one suspicious. I turn around to see if there's anyone outside. I don't see anyone there, either. I use my quirk for the outside, again, no one's there. I feel a hand on my shoulder and accidentally activate my quirk on them and look to see Todoroki. I immediately release him. I sigh as he looks at me. I don't want to talk, so I start walking. He walks with me, but doesn't say anything as he notices I'm not in the mood. Now that I think about it, we never really talked, he just hangs out around me. I look at the boy next to me. He's looking forward as I raise a brow at him. I don't try to figure out his reasoning as we walk into the building. We walk through the halls and people seem to stare at us, mostly our classmates, but also people outside our class, who are interested in us. I don't pay them any mind as I walk with Todoroki to our class. We walk in and go over to my seat and what might as well be his seat since he doesn't seem to be giving it back to Bakugou any time soon. I look out the window and he looks at me. I don't care as I watch the students enter the building or talk until the warning bell that they have ten minutes to get to class (They have a ten minute bell and a five minute bell in the morning. Don't ask, that's just what I decided to do). All the kids then enter, going to their classes or talking to friends in the hall until the five minute bell. In my opinion they should only have one bell, but I suppose there are those people with classes farther from the entrance that need time to get to class. I look at Todoroki and he looks away with a blush. I sigh and look to the front of the class. Didn't take him to be shy at all. Although it is his feelings, not a light subject, especially if unsure if the other person likes you back. Aizawa soon walks in after the bell to start class and everyone is in their seats.

~time skip to lunch b/c I love food~

3rd person PoV:
Izuku is once again sitting under a tree, reading. As he's reading he feels that presence again. He looks up from his book and narrows his eyes as he looks around. He activates his quirk and searches. It's obvious that it'll be difficult to find someone he doesn't know what looks like among a crowd of students, but he tries anyway. He grumbles when he decidedly gives up searching among the students. He looks around again to see if anyone sticks out. He doesn't see anyone and grits his teeth as he grips the book tightly. He closes it with a smack (it's a hard-cover). He puts it back in his bag and suddenly feels a hand over his mouth and a prick in his neck. Todoroki, who was watching him, sees this happen and immediately gets up and runs in that direction. Izuku starts to black out as he sees Todoroki run towards him and hears a chuckle behind him. Todoroki sees a black portal open behind Midoriya and the hooded figure.

"Midoriya!!!" As soon as he yells his name, other students notice what's happening and Bakugou, Kirishima and a few other 1-A students start rushing towards them. Todoroki reaches there first, but is too late as the portal closed right before he reached it. "Damnit!!" He punches the tree and sets it on fire in his rage.

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