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I don't think I ever explained that Izuku got a healing quirk. I think I just assumed you'd figure it out since after All for One gave him the quirks, he was able to see again. Have a happy Tododeku picture before this mess of a chapter.


3rd person
Izuku throws Deku into a different area of his mind before going after Psy. Psy dodges, but Izuku reaches his arm out and grabs the side and pulls him in front of him. He grabs him by the throat and walks towards the edge of the area, a black wall separating the one their in to the one next to it. He shoves him into the wall, the boy crying out as the substance the wall is made of closes in around him by Izuku's will. Psy struggles to get the boy to release him, ending up with Izuku throwing him through the wall. Psy tries to go back through, but finds that the wall has solidified, meaning no one can get into that area. And that no one can pull Izuku out of control once he gets it.

Izuku grabs control, opening his eyes to find Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima, All Might and Aizawa. Recovery girl is exiting the door as the others are talking to each other, not noticing the boy is awake. Izuku suddenly grabs Todoroki, the one closest to him, by the collar of the shirt and throws him across the room. He creates a ball of black goo around himself before Aizawa can deactivate his quirk and uses Puppeteer to grab control of Kirishima and Aizawa. He makes Kirishima and Bakugou fight as well as Aizawa and All Might. He runs towards the door, but suddenly sees fire in front of him. He sends a stream of black goo toward Todoroki and pins him to the wall with only his face uncovered. As the boy runs out of the room, Todoroki tries to activate his quirk, and finds that the goo is just absorbing both the fire and the ice. Once Izuku is a ways away from the group, he releases his hold on the group, except leaves the black goo on Todoroki. He doesn't know why, but he doesn't want Todoroki in the middle of a fight. He can hear Bakugou's explosions, probably using them to propel himself faster to try to catch him, or trying to get the goo off Todoroki. He can feel that Todoroki is trying to freeze and/or burn his way out. Guess I have a connection to the stuff, Izuku thinks as he runs, having memorized the building while he was there. He giggles as he runs through the halls, the giggles progressing to a full on laugh that sends chills up all the students in the classes he runs past. He can feel the tension in the air as he runs down several flights of stairs and towards the entrance of the school. He makes it to the door and looks outside to see a familiar face, Tomura.

Izuku immediately gets angry and runs at him, grabbing his face and making him fall backwards, hitting his head against the ground. He sends Puppeteer into him to stop him from moving and repeatedly slams his head against the ground until he releases Puppeteer and he isn't moving. He looks down at Tomura, the image of his scarred face melting into purple grape-like hair and a small body. The boy beneath him has his eyes open, gray and dead, staring at the sky. Izuku continues running, leaving the school and running down the streets, Mineta's blood on his shoes and the ankles of his pants. He shakes his head to clear his mind of the vision of Tomura Shigaraki, one of his torturers. When that doesn't work, he runs into an alley and punches a wall, making his knuckles bleed from the force of the punch and the rough wall shedding the skin on his knuckles. He doesn't feel the sting of the air on the wound as he does it again, a little bit after he stops, the wound heals from the quirk that All for One gave him. Izuku grits his teeth as he remembers everything All for One's group had done to him.

"I'll kill them all! I don't care who tries to stop me! I'll kill all of his pets so he'll suffer before I kill him!! I'm going to kill All for One for what he did to me!!!" Izuku yells, punching the wall again. A malicious smile creeps across his face. "Maybe I'll take care of him first..." He lets out a laugh as he walks down the street to where the villain base is. He enters without knocking and immediately sees Dabi, who must be looking for something of his he left behind, because it's doubtful that the villains are still based here. He grabs control of him and walks with him to the room he was held in when he was captured by them. He deactivates Dabi's quirk and makes it so his hands and legs are being held by the black goo. He then releases his hold, keeping his quirk deactivated. Dabi looks at him like he just woke up from a dream. His eyes immediately widen in fear. "I'm only going to ask this once before we get to the fun stuff." Dabi nods quickly. "Where are the villains based at the moment. And remember, I can take control of you to get you to actually tell me. I'm going to find out, I'm just giving you the choice of telling me yourself or I torture you and get you to tell me anyway." The smile widens as he talks, giving off an air of danger worse than the one he had at the sports festival.

Dabi swallows a lump in his throat, trying to decide if he wants to keep his pride, or tell him where the villains are now staying. He decides to keep his pride and Izuku can see it in his eyes. He tightens the goo around his ankles until they make a loud snap, breaking his ankles. Dabi screams, clenching his hands into fists. He tries to activate his quirk, but finds he's not able to. Izuku then squeezes the goo around Dabi's wrists, breaking those too. Dabi screams again. Izuku keeps him from passing out, spreading the cold goo farther up his arms slowly, making sure to not release.

"I could keep doing this all day," Izuku says with a small smile. The smile be had earlier had slightly fallen while doing everything he was currently doing. "And once I'm done with you, I'll leave you for All for One's group to find. Show him I'm killing more of his pets. Maybe leave him a not while I'm at it. If you want your death to be quick, I suggest telling me where the base is." His smile widens slowly. He expects Dabi to take the offer, and he does. He tells him where the base is and Izuku smiles widely. He pats Dabi's head, and he flinches. The black goo spreads up his body to his neck, then towards his face. "But you still all tortured me. Beat me, cut me, burned me, disintegrated my skin. Even when I asked you to stop, you would continue." He grips Dabi's neck and sends the goo into the mans mouth, then down his throat. "You disgust me. You remind me of my dad. And that is someone I would rather not remember. You all--" Dabi chokes on the black substance suffocating him. "You all almost completely broke me." He frowns, his eyes glowing a bit. He removes the black goo from Dabi, reaching for his neck. Before he can grab it, a portal opens under Dabi and the man falls through with a yelp before the portal closes again so Izuku can't follow. Izuku laughs. "Of course Foggy would save him before I can finish." He punches the wall where Dabi was once leaning, cracking it.

"That doesn't change anything, though."

Tell me what y'all think of this chapter. It took a while to write since I was undecided on what I wanted Izuku to do. Tell me some more things for Izuku to do. It would help me a lot. Also, tell me ideas in general. I'm on the edge of a writers block for this story. I know what I want to happen eventually, but I'm having trouble with the in-between parts, so ideas from the readers will really help. :3

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