Partial Fix

670 31 1

Geez this took a while to update. Rly sry. It'll probably be a while until the next update since I'm busy with school and such. *scratches neck awkwardly* Well, enjoy! (Also, backed up a bit)

3rd person
"No. That's not it, is it? Not all of it, at least." Izuku leans back a bit. "You're all acting odd."

"You did kill a man," Present Mic says and the three students and the other two teachers glare at him. "What? It's the truth."

Izuku laughs. "Is that why you all are acting strange? Because I killed a man who deserved it?" Izuku pulls on the chains, creating a loud clang. "That man tortured me. His boss?" He laughs again. "You don't want to know what he did." The boy then glares at the three teachers. "Leave." The teachers look to the three students, who nod at them. They look to the cuffed boy. "Don't worry, your precious students won't be hurt." The teachers then leave and Izuku looks to the three boys. He then focuses on Kirishima. "You too. Leave." Kirishima leaves, but Izuku knows that all four people are outside, watching through the glass. He glares at said glass, then turns to Bakugou and Todoroki.

"What do you want, Izuku?" Bakugou asks, crossing his arms. Izuku chuckles at the act, knowing full well that the boy's nervous. He looks to Todoroki, who's extremely quiet and calm.

"What's with you, Todo? You are always so calm. You didn't struggle when I took you, and you're calm now. Or do you believe these cuffs actually hold me? I assure you, I can break them." When Todoroki doesn't change, Izuku gets closer to the boy so their faces are mere centimeters apart. Todoroki looks Izuku directly in the eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you your eyes are pretty?" Todoroki asks. Izuku blinks several times in shock.


"You heard me perfectly clearly."

"I don't... huh?" Izuku gets very confused by this boy. "Are YOU broken?"

"Not that I know of, no. I just know you don't want to hurt anyone. Especially me and Bakugou. Or else you wouldn't have sent the others out and let us stay."

"What if I want to hurt only the two of you? Then what?"

"Then I would be shocked, especially considering when you kidnapped me and could have just kept me or tortured me, and you did neither of those things."

Izuku frowns and backs away from Todoroki. Bakugou, who was silently watching this go down, shifts where he is, grabbing Izuku's attention.

"You don't like me very much, do you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Whenever I'm around, you're always quiet and scared. Do you not like me?"

"I do like you, you just scare me... a lot..."

Izuku stares at the boy and Bakugou fidgets, playing with his thumbs behind his back (Bakugou is standing, btw). The green-haired boy stands up and looks Bakugou in the eyes.

"You've always been scared of me. Ever since my quirk developed you've avoided me like I'm the plague. You say you know me. Do you?"

"Bakugou just--" Todoroki starts but Bakugou shakes his head.

"No. He's right. I have been avoiding him in fear. I don't know you as well as I used to think. But please, you don't have to do anything because of that. Certainly not to those who don't deserve it."

"So, are you saying you deserve it?" Izuku asks, looking at the boy directly in the eyes, but he refuses to look back at him, deciding to focus on the floor.

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