Past (Mostly I guess? Kinda?)

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Sorry the last one was late, I got distracted Friday and forgot to publish it. I might change to only updating once a week so I have more time to write and edit chapters and hopefully get them out on time. I might make it on Fridays, just giving you guys a heads up if I do decide to change it to only once a week.

As soon as I woke up, I didn't make a move as I noticed I was being carried by Todoroki, so we must be headed to the school. How did we even end up out here? I use my quirk to sense the area around us. I can feel people look at us, but neither Todoroki or I care about them as he continues carrying me. I sense the large gates of U.A. and I subconsciously bury my head in Todoroki's neck, feeling his skin heat up at the act. He must be blushing, and his heart-rate has increased. He still thinks I'm asleep as I remain limp in his arms. He walks in the gates and I sense people run out of the building to us. I still don't move as Todoroki adjusts me in his arms since I'm starting to slip.

"What happened?" I hear my mother ask, sounding a bit panicked and nervous, but keeping quiet so as not to 'wake' me. I feel a little guilty about worrying her, even though I don't know why, but it soon disappears in a bottomless pit of nothing as far as I can tell.

"He ran, I followed him and by the time I caught up to him he was falling asleep. When I picked him up, he almost immediately fell asleep," Todoroki quietly explains to them. They nod and look at my face. I'm tempted to open my eyes and scare them, but I keep them shut and pretend to be asleep.

"I don't remember the last time he was like this," I hear my mother say, I can tell she's smiling. I feel her run her fingers through my hair. "Can't remember the last time anyone held him like this, either. No one ever really got close to him and he never really said anything much after he got his quirk." I'm tempted to shut my mom up then, but I don't want to, I want to stay like this, it's comfortable and I feel like nothing could happen like this. "After his quirk developed he was scared, almost never used his quirk for a while. One day I got a call from the school telling me that he had almost hurt many people at school. When I got there, Midoriya was on the verge of balling his eyes out and looked at me with a look that would shatter even the most steely of hearts." She continues to run her hand through my hair and I want to do nothing more than fall asleep. And that's exactly what I do, feeling my mom run her hand through my hair.

3rd person PoV:
"Deep down, he's scared. He doesn't want to admit it, but he's scared." Inko lets out a small breath as she looks at her sons sleeping face. "He scares me sometimes, and I think he knows it. He doesn't really talk to me much about hero stuff, but I can tell how determined he is about it." She stops running her hand through his hair and they walk inside when it starts to get too cold. Bakugou hasn't taken his eyes off Midoriya and Todoroki since he saw them coming back. Inko seems to be slightly smiling at telling someone all these things. "He used to come home with such a sad and broken look on his face. Kids in class were constantly scared of him and would say he'd be a villain for sure with his quirk. One day he came home with a determined look on his face. He said he was going to prove them all wrong, he was going to prove to all of them he could be a hero. No one argued with him, but he could tell from the way they all looked at him they wanted to. A few years later he came home with a sad look again. When I asked him why he told me it was because no one wanted to talk to him or even fight him in one of their mock battles. They would always forfeit as soon as they saw their opponent. As he told me these things I saw that a flame was lit behind his eyes, a raging fire that was burning him from the inside as his look changed from pain to anger, to a look I couldn't even read. I wanted to find some way to help him, but after that he would never tell me anything and wouldn't let me help him. He just closed off his emotions as best he could so he wouldn't feel the pain of being alone. He would probably be angry at me for telling you these things, but I wanted to tell someone." She seems to chuckle at this as they arrive back at the nurse's office. Bakugou is still staring at Midoriya as he stops just inside the door while Todoroki carries the boy back to the bed, laying him down and Inko and Recovery Girl follow him. Bakugou moves to join them and sits next to Inko. Todoroki smiles at the woman kindly and she smiles back at him, grabbing Midoriya's hand.

"I for one am glad you told us. It seems to take a load off your shoulders while also indirectly asking for help for Midoriya," Todoroki says, looking at the boy in question. Inko smiles, glad Todoroki understood. Bakugou doesn't say anything. He had heard up to when Inko talked about the school incident, thinking back to the incident and not hearing any of the rest of what she said. He was closest to the boy when it had happened. All the kids had been in class when it happened. It was a little after lunch. He didn't want to remember that event, but he had no choice in the matter, it had traumatized him as a kid. He never wanted anything like that to happen again, and now here he was with having experienced Midoriya lose himself and then during the tournament when he almost lost himself again and forced Bakugou to attack him to snap himself out of it. That was probably worse, being forced to stop his old friend before he could lose control. It didn't seem to be the same as the first time, it seemed like he was losing control of himself rather than his quirk. His quirk was very precise as it usually was, but it was only the boy himself that seemed out of it. Bakugou was snapped out of his thoughts by Inko grabbing his shoulder. He looks at her and sees the worry in her eyes. He waves her hand away and nods as a way of saying that he's fine. Inko lets go of his shoulder and looks to Midoriya. They start to fall asleep again, not caring that tomorrow Bakugou and Todoroki would be going to class in the same things they were currently wearing. Inko smiles at the two boys as they lay their heads down on the bed before doing the same herself.

~time skip to class the next day~

Todoroki is still in what was originally Bakugou's seat. Bakugou has gotten more loud since Midoriya left, but was silent today due to being stuck in his thoughts. Todoroki only looks out the window for most of class, waiting for lunch to start. As soon as the class is out and lunch begins, he goes to the nurse's office to see Midoriya being healed by Recovery Girl. When she's done, she looks at Todoroki and nods to him. Inko had left that morning to go to work while the boys were still resting. Recovery Girl had gone home and come back at some point to rest and get ready for the next day. She had left after they were all asleep and had come back before they woke up. They only knew because she was dressed slightly different and smelled of lavender, which was a smell that filled the whole room in which she worked. It wasn't overwhelming, only there to where it was calming and smelled nice. Which is not typically said about anything lavender related, it's usually far too potent for anyone to enjoy. But Recovery Girl seemed to have mastered getting the lavender to work. Todoroki sits next to Izuku as he started eating, leaning against the back of the chair as he looked out the window on the other side of Izuku.

After a few minutes of this peaceful silence, Izuku shifts around as he wakes up. He opens his foggy eyes, which seem a little less foggy than yesterday, but that could be Todoroki's eyes messing with him. He smiles at Midoriya despite knowing he can't see him. Midoriya still looks at him.

"Todoroki," he says, slightly shocked after yesterday. As soon as he recognizes him and shakes off the small amount of shock, he looks at the ceiling, noticing some of the fog is gone and smiles a little as he closes his eyes. He uses his quirk to sense the area. He goes to move, but Todoroki gently pushes him back down and he doesn't argue as he hisses at the feeling in his arm. It still hurt where Handy-man touched him and there were new bandages where they were needed. His chest rises and falls slightly underneath the bandages covering his torso. He was probably hurt there the most as it was the easiest to get the clothes away from. Since all that they needed to do was unbutton the shirt. His legs were only hurt on the lower leg, his thighs untouched. Closer to the ankles was worse than the rest of the leg, though. The feet were untouched, amazingly. They seem to have avoided the hands and feet for some reason. And before Handy-man used his quirk on his face, that was in the same condition as his hands and feet. His neck was still untouched as well. He felt what was left on his face, his scars seem to be somehow slowly disappearing. He sighs as he keeps his eyes closed and hears the bell ring, Todoroki leaving the room to go to class. Recovery Girl soon also leaves to go do something and he stands up.

As he walks through the halls he can feel people stare at him but he doesn't pay attention to them. He goes to the tree he always sits under at lunch and sits down, relaxing. He's thankful for his baggy shirt and sweat pants (his mom had brought him clothes) when he does so, as he doesn't want to be dirty, despite not caring previously at the possibility. He leans his head against the tree as he gets lost in his thoughts. He mostly thinks about what he can do with his situation and decides to do nothing as he feels his consciousness slip away and he falls asleep against the tree, coming face to face with himself as he closes his eyes.

Since it's inside his mind and he isn't restricted by his body, he can see. Yes, he is still mostly blind.

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