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Idk how I feel about this chapter. I had a lot written, and deleted a lot b/c I noticed my impatience getting the better of me and decided to take a break to get my patience - or lack thereof - in order. The chapter probably kinda sucks, but Idk, I'm always hyper critical of myself. Hope you enjoy. Point out any mistakes and such that I may have made. I always love feedback. :30

There're explosions everywhere. Ice soon joins it. The walls are either covered in ice, or cracked from the explosions. Several teachers rush in, along with more of the 1-A students. I see Shinso among them and Mineta missing. I am standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by Bakugou's explosions and Todoroki's ice as they protect me from my attacker. I don't need them to protect me, but it's actually kinda nice, it means they somewhat care for me. I look at everything happening around me. Some of the teachers join in the fight, while the other teachers keep the rest of the students out of the room. I hear my name and turn around in time to see a fist coming at me, which I quickly dodge. I break the chain between the shackles and grab the person's arm, picking them up and slamming them against the floor. I twist their arm harshly and they cry out in pain as I hear a pop from their shoulder. Everyone besides me cringes at the sound.

"All for One sent you to kill me, didn't he? Or to capture me?" I ask and when they don't answer, I press my foot against their shoulder, making them cry out in pain before nodding quickly.

"To capture you! He wanted me to capture you!" I growl and lift my foot off their shoulder, but still hold their arm so they don't try to escape.

"Why send you? You're weak, he'll have to have known that I could easily beat you. I killed his favorite pet, after all." The person under me starts shaking in fear, their eyes widening as they look at me when I say I killed a man. "I could kill you--" I can feel all eyes on me, Aizawa has a disapproving look on his face. "--but luckily for you, I won't. Too bad you're now trapped in UA, though, I would have had you deliver All for One a message."

"What message?" They ask, scared. I smile creepily down at them.

"That I'm coming after him, even if I have to kill all his little pets to do it. That I'm not joining his forces. That I will NEVER forgive him for what he's done. And that I will have his head on a spike." I've grown angry and feel like changing my mind about killing the man under me by the end. I growl loudly before picking him up by the throat and squeezing slightly as I bring his face closer to mine. He tries to get my hand off his throat as I growl in his face. He has fear written all over his face and I feel a pain in my head as one of my sides tries to grab control. I throw the man against the far wall as I grab my head, gritting my teeth. I look back up at the others as my mind is flooded with thoughts and voices. My breath speeds up as I look down at the floor, gripping my hair in my fists. I fall to my knees. I want it to stop, I want them to leave me alone. Why won't they let me be? What if I want to break? What if I want to die? What if I don't care what happens to me? Who are they to stop me? Who are they to tell me what to do? I don't notice the black substance slowly seeping from my body, covering me and dripping to the floor, as my breathing speeds up more, my gaze unmoving from the floor. The thoughts growing louder and memories flashing in front of my vision. It feels like torture, having the memories return, having all the thoughts, emotions and old voices force themselves back into place after so long.

The ones I had shoved away, the ones I never wanted to see again. I let out a cry of pain as more memories return, being left behind by people who thought I was too powerful, people who used me for my power. People I wanted to kill, or at least slap, at some point in my life. Memories of my father, of being alone, of being abandoned. I feel arms wrap around me, and someone muttering calmly into my ear. I push the person away, panic filling my mind. I look around and see the door's wide open. I rush for it, but someone grabs my arm, and more people pin me down. I let out a cry as more pain floods through my body, making me writhe in their grips. I look at my hands and see something surround them and I stop moving. I close my eyes and my control slips from me as I'm shoved into the mindscape, pain still crawling my body. Something hits the back of my head and I fall unconscious.

I watch Psy knock out Midoriya. Psy looks at me. We both nod at eachother and I grab control of Izuku's body. I open my eyes to see Todoroki above me, several others around us. He looks into my eyes.

"What's happening, Izuku...?" He asks quietly.

"I'm Deku," I correct him. Todoroki backs off of me, telling the others to let go of me. I sit up and rub my head where Izuku had grabbed his hair.

"What's happening? Is Izuku okay?" Todoroki has concern written all over his face and stitched in his words. I shake my head slowly, looking at the ground and he sucks in a breath.

"Everything he's been forcing away - memories, feelings, etc. - are returning, making him worse. The pain is just everything flooding him. The panic is him not wanting these things back." I smile at Todoroki warmly. "You're nice." Psy calls me and I let go of control, Izuku's body slumping against Todoroki as I do. The other classmates and teachers who don't know what's going on are probably questioning those that do know, but me and Psy are more focused on Izuku to care. Psy is holding Izuku as he struggles against him. Izuku is screaming for him to let go. I go over and hug Izuku. He slowly stops struggling, but I can feel my shoulder become damp. He's crying.

I tighten the hug as Psy slowly releases his grip. Izuku has gone limp as he stares off into the distance. As I close my eyes, Izuku grabs my arm and looks me right in the eyes. Anger slowly seeps onto his face. I don't know why it didn't really hit me until just now, but it did. It never really occurred to me that he would be very angry and sad from his memories. When Izuku developed his quirk, there was no one there to reassure him or make him happier. He put on a mask around his mother, but everything just made him lose his ability to be happy. When he cracked it was a crazed happiness. And when he cracked, it also made cracks in the walls of his mind where he had shoved his unwanted memories. Now they're returning and there's nothing anyone can do to stop them-

Or him.

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