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This is mostly a 'meet the sides' type thing. Also, this book has weird pacing, sorry about that. Also, very strange dialogue and development. So... *shrugs* hope you enjoy?

I update this on Fridays. There seemed to be some confusion about that.

3rd person
As Midoriya stares at two of himself, both looking subtly different, but only in the look in their eyes and on their faces. On one, it was a look of calm, collective and unbothered. On the other, it was crazed, a look that told you not to even look at the person. Of course, being face-to-face with both of himself, he didn't care, as he looked both in the eyes whenever he looked
at them. Both were him, so he didn't mind it seeing as he wouldn't be able to do anything to him without hurting himself. Midoriya looked at both calmly. The crazed one seemed to be getting antsy and was muttering about wanting something or someone to play with. The calm one just stares at Midoriya as he ignores the crazed boy next to him. Midoriya himself was feeling both within him, both want control, but neither could take control over the other, so the crazed one soon looked at the calm one and tried to punch him. This was the start of a fight and Midoriya rubbed his temples as he groaned, hating this. He felt someone staring at him and looked around 'til his eyes landed on another him, this one looked younger and his eyes slightly widened, this is his childish and innocent self, which he thought was gone, but it just didn't want to get between the two other sides. There are others, but he doesn't know where any of them are. He walks over to the mini-Midoriya and crouches down in front of him. He makes a face and the little persona giggles slightly and Midoriya smiles. He missed this side of him, but he knew it was too shy and prone to emotions to come out at the moment. It most likely won't come out for a while, but he doesn't mind as long as it's there. As long as it's there, he knows he can still go back to it. It was always nice to be around when the others were being obnoxious. This isn't the first time he's been here and it won't be the last. Midoriya ruffles the small him's hair and they both smile. The calm and crazed ones are still fighting mostly with the calm one dodging and landing precise hits on the crazed one while the crazed one tries to hit it over and over again. Midoriya rolls his eyes and shoves them apart.

"Can't you two learn to agree even temporarily. You know, maybe I would be more comfortable with you both if you weren't always trying to kill each other," I say and glare at the both of them. "Now go away before I slap both of you into next year." The crazed one grumbles and walks away, the calm one simply walking the opposite direction of the other. I turn back to my childish side and sigh when I notice he's fallen asleep, curled in a small ball. I pat his head and he shifts around before letting out a small sigh of satisfaction. I smile and look at where I was previously seated. I sit back down and close my eyes.

As I open my eyes again I see I'm in the nurse's office again. I just keep my eyes looking towards the ceiling as I hear the door open. I use my quirk and realize it's All Might. He's in his deflated form, although based on the smoke or steam in the air, he must have only changed to this form when he got inside. I don't move as All Might looks at me. There's a heaviness to the air that is filled with guilt. It's all from All Might, he felt that he had failed me, but honestly, I don't blame anyone other than the villains. I finally look towards All Might when he takes a step towards me. He sees the fogginess of my eyes and the air becomes heavier. I stare at him and neither of us say or do anything else. He just stares at me, looking at all the bandages covering my arms and ankles since those were the only ones exposed because of my shirt and pants. I subconsciously growl quietly the heavier the air gets with his guilt. It's suffocating. I would do anything to get it to go away so I can breathe properly without all this heaviness hanging in the air. I look at the ceiling, silently glad the bandages cover other scars from my past. I subconsciously rub the bandage on my torso, specifically over my stomach, but only subtly. All Might notices and looks at my stomach, probably thinking I'm hungry or uncomfortable or both. I then realize I AM hungry when my stomach growls at me. I sense All Might leave and he comes back with a tray of food. The scent hits my nose and I smell the air to try figuring out what it is. He comes over to me with the food and places it on my lap when I sit up. I grab the fork next to the bowl and smile when I recognize it as ramen, chicken to be specific, although it has a different scent than the previous chicken ramen I've had, leading me to think that stuff was added, or it was all made rather than bought. I take a bite and then start eating quickly, slightly sad when it's gone. I can hear the crazed side laugh at the sadness. I want to punch him, I really do.

All Might grabs the tray and leaves, not coming back this time, still having not said a word to me. I close my eyes and sigh as I relax, laying back against the bed. A pain shoots through my body and I curl up from the pain, letting out a gasp. The pain going through my body in waves, each one feeling like a train. I don't pay attention to the door as it opens and someone walks in. I start feeling light-headed from the pain. I feel a hand on my shoulder, but I don't react to it. I breathe heavily, the air leaving my system each time a wave hits. I grip my hair as my head starts to hurt, feeling like someone smashed it. I gasp for air uselessly and the hand on my shoulder suddenly becomes two, shaking me, which is not helping. I growl at the person and then groan as I grip my head. I hear voices and my arms fall limp as the strength in my body leaves as I'm forced into darkness by the pain. I come face-to-face with my sides again, this time there's a new, not really new just haven't seen in a while, side with the other three. I groan and look at him. He smiles at me and I roll my eyes. He walks to me and when he reaches a hand to me I slap it away. He feigns hurt as he places a hand over his heart with a fake look of shock on his face. He knew this would happen.

"Why are you back?" I ask, glaring at him. He only smiles at me and raises a brow. I growl at him and he laughs quietly.

"I never left," he says. I roll my eyes. I knew this, none of them left, they were just in a different part of my brain hanging out with other sides, but not all of them look to get control or are needed. The three who were here, besides new guy, were always here. The two main ones, calm and crazed, were always seeking control while childish just liked staying here, it's brighter and he got to see me. But this guy was here now and I wanted to kill him. He was a mix between the calm and crazed, but he was almost never here. He was worse than the two previously mentioned sides. I could handle each one individually, but this guy was a mix of the two. I glare at him as he laughs, this time it was more like crazed, but more controlled than his. I want him to go away, he was causing this pain. It was almost always him causing the pain when he wanted a little fun. I wish he would disappear for good, cease to exist. But I'm sure the universe would find a way to replace him with some other Psycho. I make them all leave me alone and then look at childish, probably the only one I would never force away. I smile at him as he comes over to me and I rub his hair. I close my eyes as he hugs my leg and I wake up to a feeling of someone squeezing my arm. I growl in pain and grab their wrist, squeezing it and twisting, making them let me go. It was right on the wound from Handy-man. I keep my eyes on the window that light flooding through it, the only thing I see a fuzzy brightness with a few different colors in it. I don't use my quirk, not caring who was in the room as I heard a lot of shuffling and position changing. I feel a hand on my shoulder but pay it no mind. I suddenly feel drowsy as I feel a prick in my neck. I try to fight against it and turn to the person in the room, going to fight him, but I end up with my eyelids drooping heavily and I hear one sentence before I'm surrounded by black.

"All for One is interested in you~"

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