Kidnapped... again -.-

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I've noticed that sometimes I write the thoughts in italics and sometimes I don't, so sorry about that, I don't know why it happens and it'll probably comtinue happening and I'm sorry. I'm just too lazy to fix it rn, I'll fix it later, maybe.

I groan as I wake up, not bothering with opening my eyes as I shift uncomfortably. My hands and feet are shackled, and I'm sitting on the hard floor, back against a wall. Everything hurts and I can feel the bandages still, but they've started coming off. As I move my arm up to feel my face to make sure there's nothing new there, I can hear the chains clinking and I notice that my head isn't fuzzy. I then feel my neck since I can feel something there and recognize it's a needle. I try to use my quirk but it doesn't work and I growl. I hear a door open and look in that direction, my eyes still closed.

"OH! The toy's back!!" I hear a crazed laugh and I immediately recognize who it is. It's that crazy bitch with the blonde hair, Toga I think her name was, Yandere-bitch, or bitch for short. I growl at her, scowling. I feel something stab into my leg and I let out a cry of pain. I then hear another voice.

"Tomura won't be happy with you for doing that," I recognize this one as Dabi, or Frankenstein as I call him.

"Frankenstein," I say, growling again. "And Bitch. My fucking luck."

I hear Bitch laugh and Frankenstein growl quietly at the nickname. I then hear the door open again.

"Toga. What did you do?" I recognize this one as handy-man. "I told you not to hurt him, and I walk in to find him hurt because you stabbed his fucking leg."

"Great, now handy's here too," I say, growling quietly. I can feel all three pairs of eyes on me and Handy-man walks over to me. I feel four fingers on my neck, so as not to start disintegrating me. And I finally open my eyes for the first time since getting here. I look at the man in front of me and he seems to freeze upon seeing my eyes. "Get the fuck away from me," I say, grabbing his arm. He doesn't say anything as he grabs my chains and disintegrates where they connect to whatever it is, probably the wall and starts dragging me down the hall, I don't fight since I can't activate my quirk and my body hurts anyway.

"All for One wants to see you," he says and I look at him, he looks very fuzzy, but I can still see it's him. He drags me to another room and chains me to a table, an experimentation table to be specific, and leaves the room. After a long silence I hear the door open. I don't bother looking.

"Izuku Midoriya, yes?" I hear a new voice say. I don't recognize this one, so it must be All for One. I don't answer him and he grabs my arm where Handy-man grabbed me last time. I cry out as he squeezes it and he then lets go as I glare in his direction. He looks at me. "Blind, interesting."

"Mostly," I correct. "Mostly blind. Because of Handy-man."

He stares at me and I can feel his eyes on me as I glare in his direction. I can faintly see him shake his head before reaching towards me again, this time to my head. He grabs my head and I cry in pain as he does something. He lets me go and I want to crumple up from the pain. "So you have two quirks, interesting." I glare at him, my eyes watery from the pain that shot through my body. It felt as bad as when Psycho side gets bored, maybe a little worse. He reaches for me again. "I wonder what'll happen if you get more," he says and grabs my head again. I let out a scream this time, pulling at the shackles on my wrists and ankles, trying to get free as he doesn't move his hand away from my head, actually pushing my head back against the table. My scream soon turns silent as the pain gets worse, a white hot pain rushing through my body, starting at my head and traveling up and down my my body. I can feel my mental state start to break like a glass at a fucking opera, I can feel my sides clawing at me to get control and get us out of this situation, all of them agreeing on at least something. I have my eyes screwed shut and my mouth open in a silent scream. The sides finally pull me back and I'm met with them and darkness, closing my eyes as I'm finally free of the pain. I look at the sides weakly, feeling Childish grab at my shirt sleeve. Everyone's staring at me in worry, even Crazed and Psycho. When one of us is in control, everyone is conscious of what's happening. When none of us is in control, it's like when someone faints or blacks out on the outside, but on the inside we're free of whatever the hell is happening outside. I grab my head as I feel like I'm going to fall apart. I was in control, and that means I have it worse than anyone else, but I'm also the main and original. It was me, Childish and then the others started appearing one by one after my quirk developed. I'm meant to show Midoriya's actual mental state. (I had written more after this, but then Wattpad was stupid and deleted it. After this it's what I sorta remember that I wrote and other stuff added) If I feel like this, that means that Midoriya's mentality is breaking. I don't know what that All for One guy is doing to me, but this is pissing me off to no end. I stand up, pushing Childish away as I close my eyes, despite everyone's objections, and get control back. As I open my eyes, I notice I'm no longer in that room, and my pain's gone. As I shift in my spot, I can feel that the bandages are gone, and as I slowly look around the room, it's becoming more and more in focus. I look at my wrists and ankles and see the shackles are no longer there. I smirk at this. They made a mistake~ As soon as this thought passes through my head I hear the door to the room open and I look up at it to see Handy-man. He looks at me and I smile darkly at him as he freezes. I stand up and rush at him, slamming him into the opposite wall of the hall outside the room. He hadn't closed the door behind him. Another mistake~ At this point I start giggling as I punch him in the face and his head slams back against the wall and he falls unconscious. I grab his shirt and drag him down the hall, the smile spreading on my face. I see more people ahead of me and pick Handy-man up and throw him at them, knocking them to the ground. I run past the group as they struggle to get back up. I smirk as I see Foggy. I slide under him and he seems shocked as I jump up and kick him in the back. Surprisingly, my attack worked and he fell forwards. At this I run to the door and leave. I run down the street and several people are staring at me. I chuckle when I look back and see some of the villains struggling to find and catch me. I then turn back forwards and run. I run into a large building nearby and climb the stairs until I'm at the roof. I look down at the people below and chuckle. The villains have given up for now, knowing it's dangerous for them in case they're seen. But not for me, I'm still a hero-in-training at U.A. that got first place in all three parts of the Sports Festival. I would say that it was unheard of, but I would be lying. I chuckle as I watch the people scurrying past. From up here they look like little bugs. I smile at the thought, and look up to see the U.A. building, sticking out like a sore thumb. I smile more at the sight.

I grip the edge of the little ledge I'm on as I lean further forward, looking at U.A. As soon as I feel like I'm about to fall, I shove myself back away from the edge. I look up at the sky and see clouds forming overhead. Fluffy, white clouds that look like fluffy pillows you just want to squeeze. Too bad they're not. I would squeeze the life, or in this case water, out of them. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I open them again and see the sky had become gray and downcast. I frown at this. It's like something from a movie, one second it's sunny and lovely, the next it's gray and sad. I look around and see someone headed in the direction of U.A. I go down the stairs and leave the building, headed towards U.A. This is the second time I've been kidnapped and rescued myself, I think to myself as I walk, looking directly forwards without caring about my surroundings. As I reach the gates I look up at the large school. I walk inside the gates. The place looks empty, so school must've already started. I feel eyes on me and I look up to one of the windows. I see a wide-eyed Bakugou and Todoroki staring out the window at me. I smile my creepy smile and the smile reaches my eyes as I leave the school, going to a nearby alley and jumping between the walls and getting to the top of one of the buildings. I sit down and watch people pass, quickly getting bored and tired. I lay back as I stretch. I stare at the sky for a while before closing my eyes and drifting off.

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