Return Todoroki

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I didn't publish a chapter on Friday... whoops. Sorry about that. This is late and probably a bit of lower quality. Again, sorry about that. As this goes on I get more impatient with timing things well, so the timing is kinda everywhere b/c I want it to be good pacing, but my impatience makes me speed up. Sorry, here's the chapter.

I sigh and shift around in my spot to try to get comfortable. It stays like this for about half an hour. When he walks in, he chuckles a bit. "Ran into a bit of trouble, but I got food." I look at him and adjust myself until I manage to get it so I'm sitting up, leaning back against a nearby wall. He opens the bag and takes out a box of protein bars. I watch as he takes one out, unwraps it and sets it to the side for a bit as he does the same with another one. He walks over to me with both as he takes a bite out of one of them. He holds the other one in front of my face and I take a bite. (I had so much more written after this, but WATTPAD WAS A DICK AND DELETED IT! So I'm gonna try my best to remember what I wrote and add to fill in the blanks of what I don't remember. Fucking... I hate wattpad sometimes, I swear) Once I'm done he gets up and goes over to his backpack he had brought. He puts the rest of the bars inside and takes out his phone as he walks over to me. He looks at his phone and frowns slightly. He sits a little bit aways and I peek at his screen. His phone has blown up with messages from many people about where he is, what's happened to him, where he's keeping me, etc. I roll my eyes as I look away again. I lean my head back and look at Midoriya out of the corner of my eye. He looks at me.

"You know, I thought you would struggle more, at the very least at the beginning. And you do realize I didn't turn off your quirk like I did with Shinso during the festival, right? Or perhaps you didn't and now I just told you. Although you won't get very far, and I could always keep you from..." He trails off into muttering to himself as I test my power and feel the air become colder. I smile slightly at this b/c clearly he could've kept me from being able to use my quirk, but he didn't. This lets me know there's still a part of him in there, along with the muttering. He didn't do it often, but he did do it. I look at the boy in question to see him still muttering to himself.

I mutter more to myself, not noticing the air get colder and then return to normal before one of my sides speaks up. Izuku, go back to your friends, your classmates, before you break completely. I stop muttering to myself and glare at the floor. The one who talked was Crazed, or Ray as some of my sides call him. They seem to like giving themselves and eachother names. "Why should I, Ray? You're always telling me to do this kind of thing, saying it would be fun. What suddenly changed?" I mutter as I stand up and go over to a different side of the room. I can feel Todoroki's eyes on me, but I don't pay attention to him. Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that if you keep going like this, you'll break completely, Deku will disappear, along with most of your other sides. "Why would I care?" As I speak each of the words fall from my mouth like venom. Izuku... please... we just don't want you to fall apart. That was Deku, I can tell because it sounds younger, more high-pitched than the others. He's sweet, he really is, but he needs to realize the others aren't like him, he puts others above himself. He couldn't care less if he disappears. The others want to stop me so they don't die. I grit my teeth and close my eyes as Ray continues talking about going back to U.A.

"Izuku?" I hear Todoroki say in concern. Why is he concerned? I kidnapped him, why does he care about me? I grit my teeth as Todoroki starts talking about going back to U.A. as well. More of my sides start talking as well, agreeing with Ray and Todoroki, one of them being Deku. I grit my teeth more and clench my fist. I suddenly punch a wall to shut them all up. I'm breathing heavily as I feel a headache pounding at my head like a jackhammer. My eyes are wide as my head is down, images and memories flashing through my vision.

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